Wednesday, January 04, 2012

More completely rank hypocrisy from the local birdcage liner: "Not on Public's Dime."

This morning's rant from the rag:
In our view: Not on Public’s Dime
Political parties are private groups; let them conduct and pay for their own elections
Imagine a private organization — a classic-car club or the rose pruners’ auxiliary — demanding that the public pay for the election of its officers. That proposal would be met with laughter, derision and rejection. And rightly so. If unofficial groups want to elect officers, fine. Have at it. Just not on the public dime.
Clearly, political parties are private organizations; their employees and volunteers are not public officials. So it makes perfect sense for the parties to conduct — and pay for — the election of precinct committee officers. That’s the current system, although for many years precinct committee officers were chosen in public elections.
What un-fricking believable hypocrisy.

Here's an editorial they could have run a few months back:

Imagine a private organization — a baseball team — demanding that the public pay for it's facility while THEY own it, make all the money off of it, and ram the tax down our throats without asking. That proposal would be met with laughter, derision and rejection. And rightly so. If private organizations want to build facilities, fine. Have at it. Just not on the public dime.

Clearly, baseball teams are private organizations; their employees and volunteers are not public officials. So it makes perfect sense for a team to build — and pay for — any ballpark facility they use. That’s the current system around here, although for many years, sports teams have been screwing their respective communities with outrageous demands and taxpayer subsidized rip offs, usually without any election.
And yet, in their own enlightened self-interest, the slimeballs at the democratian certainly took the contrary view. They had no problem whatsoever doing everything they could to shill this manure-pile to us with everything from bogus financial reports to tugging at our heart-strings ("It's America's game!")

They did all that, of course, because they stood to make Bank off this scam while not having to pay a penny to get it built.  No, that was all on us... and on us without anyone asking.

One of the many problems with our very own carbuncle on the butt of SW Washington is the rag's constantly situational brand of ethics.

Like everything else these sculls push, if they like it, they like it. If they hate it, they hate it. The problem is that they make up reasons to support or oppose something.... literally, on the spot.

Roughly a year before these clowns became so enamored of building a ballpark over here, they came out with an editorial condemning the very idea of a ballpark to be built on public dollars. But this ripoff comes along, and they fall down and strip in anticipation of the orgy of public money that would be wasted to THEIR benefit.

This is all-too-typical of the rag, a rag which has managed to bankrupt itself while doing their very best to bankrupt the rest of us.

"Just not on the public dime" indeed.

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