Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lies, damn lies, Pridemore and Moeller and the nonsensical CRC tolls bill.

So, the two slime balls most responsible for the CTran rip off at the legislative level, Craig Pridemore and Jim "Candy Man" Moeller (Communists-49) are now shilling for their rip off CRC toll scam, with, according to the democratian, Pridemore babbling "...however unpopular, having users help pay for (the) bridge beats the other options."

That is such a horrific, outright lie as too typically be beyond belief.  I say "typically," because lies of this magnitude make Baghdad Bobby blush in comparison.  In fact, Dr. Goebbels would beam in pride at such a lie, given the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Option One:

Don't replace the bridge.

The people of this county don't want it replaced, don't need it replaced and can't afford to pay the horrific tolls that Pridemore and The Candy Man envision.

They, of course, don't give a damn that this bridge is being "balanced on the backs of the poor and the powerless," since they won't have to contribute to this life-long waste of billions of dollars that will routinely blow a $100,000,000 hole into our local ecobnomy every year for the indefinite future... until lng after most reading this have long since left this mortal coil.

Option Two:

Build a third bridge.

The obvious need for a third bridge so far supercedes this rip off that it's like John Laird or Lou Brancaccio standing in front of someone and telling them with a straight face, "no, we're not fringe-left, blinded by bias slimeballs."

Option Three:

Build a 4th bridge after implementing option two.

We have 400,000 plus people living over here.  Spending wasted billions on a bridge that will do nothing for either congestion or freight mobility instead of dramatically increasing, in different locations, the number of lanes over the river is a no-brainer.

Which brings us back to these two morons.

It's easy for Pridemore to waste our time and money on crap like this: after this Novemeber, he's going to be out of politics altogether.  And the Candy Man knows the rag will carry his water like Gunga Din because if you support this massive, horrific rip off, well, then, by God, you could be a child molester and those scum would endorse you.

Right Lou?  John?

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