Saturday, January 07, 2012

The democratian blows the call again: concerned over a few hundred thousand while screwing us for billions, and babbling over healthcare issues with no suggestions to fix it.

Leave it to the local rag: complaining about a small hole in the boat while they work to rip out the entire hull:
Jeers: To a decision by the Vancouver Fire Department to withdraw from a training group it had jointly formed with two other local fire agencies just last May. City Fire Chief Joe Molina told The Columbian’s Paul Suarez that integrating the city’s way of doing things with the way fire districts do things was just too difficult. In other words, the bureaucracies don’t align.

That’s too bad, because the training group had the possibility of saving $300,000 in taxpayer money annually. Now the city will hire another training fire chief at a minimum salary exceeding $90,000 per year, plus benefits. That’s a lot of money. We wish Molina would reconsider, and try to find a way to make it work.
"That's a lot of money."

And, it's a mountain of hypocrisy.

These self-same slime at the rag have championed multi-billion dollar wastes of money... and most recently, multi-million dollar rip offs involving an unwanted and unneeded ballpark scam.

So, these clowns are going to complain about this?

Where's their demands concerning everything from saving a million per year by getting rid of all the public information and deputy assistant types infesting local government?  Where's their editorial condemning the idiocy of the court house brass polishing project?  this moron is focusing on saving an end-table while our house is being consumed in a local conflagration that THEY routinely pour gasoline on to by the gallon.

And THIS idiocy:
Jeers: To this kind of health care system in the world’s richest country: The uninsured are now turning to Groupon and Daily Deals type of discount websites to find affordable care. Two problems: What happens when that angioplasty Uncle Charlie needs isn’t on sale today? And what kind of additional pricing pressure does that put on those of us suckers with health insurance, who pay the list price?
Bitching is easy.  I do it, a lot.  These people bitch incessantly... and rarely, if ever provide any solutions to their whining.  And here's but another case in point.
IF this is a problem (and I don't believe it is) then where's their fix? 

Look, I get this pimple on the butt of the science of journalism is fringe left.  But even leftists sometimes make the attempt to provide solutions, no matter how bizarre.

But these slimeballs don't even bother to do THAT.

When I was on legislative staff, we were bombarded by people with complaints, concerns, demands and the like.

Pay ME.  Fund MY program.  Don't cut ME.

What I CAN'T recall was a single instance in six years of someone walking through the door with a single solution.

"Look, we need you to fund program X.  And here's where I think you can find the money so that no one else gets hurt."

Nope.  It was ALWAYS "ME, ME, ME!"

Bitching is, of course, an American past time.  Problems going unsolved and unrealistic demands, unfortunately, are also an American past time.

As is, unfortunately, the stilted, biased and blindered-view of this waste of wood pulp.

The value of this nation in large part is our ability to think, to innovate, to SOLVE problems.  And that is a characteristic almost entirely from the disgrace on 8th Street.

God rid is of this cancer.  And soon.

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