Sunday, January 08, 2012

Dammwood critiques my review of her scummy political blog post.

Earlier, I lit up both Tim "The Liar" Leave-it for being a complete asshole for the things he said in public concerning some of those wise enough to think he's a complete scumbag and lying moron... And, of course, Andrea Dammwood for spreading Leave-it's tripe around through the political blog in the democratian.

Her response was an utterly worthless tweet:

For those of the despicable and genuine asshole sort, maybe it IS "... better than Wheaties."

As for the rest of us, who have to suffer from their bias and lack of integrity, perhaps not so much.

And failing to provide a link to the post in question?

That makes her tweet as worthless as the rest of her biased, inaccurate and slanted garbage.

Is this where I point out that my tracking software indicates that the Columbian is among my highest readership?

Stuff that in your Wheaties.


  1. "Is this where I point out that my tracking software indicates that the Columbian is among my highest readership?"

    Kelly, this is best LINE I've heard in this year! :-D

  2. Have you ever thought of setting up a counter for every single IP address that you can associate with the columbian and put in your frontpage?

    Maybe they would like to know who's coming in 1st place?? :)


If I cannot identify you, then your post will be deleted.

No threats (Death or otherwise) allowed towards me or anyone else. If you have allegations of misconduct, they must be verifiable before I will publish them in comments.
