Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Another idiotic vote by Boldt (And, of course, Steve "Slimeball" Stuart, but that goes without saying.)

Earlier, I took dead aim at the moron behind a grant that would have provided $66,000 for the expressed purpose of polishing brass and tearing up carpet... in the court house.

The stupidity and waste of such an expenditure, particularly in times like these, is obvious to a blind man.

No republican would ever consider voting for such a waste.

Which, of course, must be why Boldt voted for it, since he stopped being a real Republican back in 05, when he voted to allow CTran to gerrymander there tax district.

Here's the article:

Courthouse restoration money approved.
By The Columbian

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Board of Clark County Commissioners on Tuesday voted to accept a $33,000 grant from the state Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation.

The money, combined with matching county funds, will pay for a professional restoration of the brass-trimmed doors, brass elevator doors and brass railings, lights and mullions in the large window above the front entrance, 1200 Franklin St.

Mark McCauley, the county director of general services, applied for the grant knowing he had the matching money in his facilities budget.

The brass has to be stripped, shined and covered with a sealant to prevent the brass from oxidizing and darkening.

Work could include tearing up the carpet in the hallway on the south side of the first floor and restoring the original terrazzo floors to match the central lobby.

Commissioners Steve Stuart and Marc Boldt approved the grant as part of the meeting’s consent agenda. They did so without additional comment.

Commissioner Hinton would have been a "no."  And, I would have been seeking termination of MacCauley.

Boldt's already under hack with the local GOP. Does he think this kind of stupidity is going to FIX that?

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