Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wondering why we've got so many illegal aliens? This wouldn't have anything to do with it, would it?

So, you're an illegal alien.  An adult.  Still going to high school.  A student.

And then, since you're committing a crime just by being here, you decide that a gross misdemeanor in the form of what is Theft III here, (one step below a felony) is the way to go by stealing.

And then you complain because we want to deport your criminal, illegal ass?


We are the laughing stock of the planet.  We give slimeballs like this punk IN-STATE TUITION, for God's sake, keeping CITIZENS out of our public universities.

Why would anyone want to stay out of a country that treats illegals like they were born here?

What kind of a lesson is that?  What kind of a message?

Reprieve for Portland teen facing deportation

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A Portland high school senior who was facing deportation to Mexico has won a reprieve.
KATU reports his advocate says immigration officials used their discretion to allow Gustavo Romero-Alvarez to stay. But Jaime Limon-Guzman with the Northwest Immigrant Youth Alliance says the case could continue for years.
Romero-Alvarez faced deportation after he was caught last year stealing a shirt. Authorities discovered he was in the United States illegally. He was brought from Mexico by his family when he was 7.
He says he plans to graduate in June from Centennial High School and hopes to become a firefighter.

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