Friday, December 30, 2011

A suggestion for a new source of revenue: a voluntary, self-imposed newspaper/elected official tax.

After being sickened by the babble of this morning's nonsensical editorial (No, there will be no cap, sources tell me, unless Vancouver wants to pay for it) the thought occurred to me: isn't it about time the newspapers and the elected officials took responsibility for their efforts to shaft constituents with tax increases?

So, how about this: a new law that requires rags like our Goebellian swindle sheet bear the cost for every toll, tax and fee increase they advocate?

Right now, the local carbuncle on our society rabidly advocates for this massive waste of billions of dollars for a bridge and loot rail we do not want, need or can afford and they're shilling it for the same reasons they were shilling the ballpark: because they know THEY don't have to pay for it.

So, I believe we should change that.

I have no trouble whatsoever jamming this tax down the throats of every elected official and newspaper supporting it.

So, those of you scum on the CTran board who keep shilling this garbage... you will have to pay the same amount in a tax for the toll that you're ramming down our throats.

Presuming a conservative $5 per day toll, then that means that every elected official voting for this crap will have to write a check for $5 per day times the number of business days in a month.  And they should pay that tax each and every month they remain in any elected office.

That means each of those shilling this crap would cough up about $1300 or so a year to start as their contribution to this massive waste.

For the rag, that means they do the same with a formula that looks like this:

$5 per day times the number of employees times the number of business days in a month.

And every time they tell us to vote "yes" on a bond, levy or sales tax increase, they should write a check for the same amounts they're demanding for us.

You see, it's really, really easy to demand that OTHERS spend THEIR money for what YOU want, ESPECIALLY if YOU don't have to spend a dime.

And, of course, the amount they pay goes up with any increase.  So, when the tolls on this scam go up, for example, then the amount of money those who voted for this scam have to pay also goes up.

Simplicity is a thing of beauty, no?

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