Sunday, December 04, 2011

A solution to the gerrymandered tax district rip-off.

We all know that the scum have put together a gerrymandered tax district for CTrans and soon for loot rail.  Tens of thousands of us have been cut out of these elections, because they certainly don't want the will of all the people to interfere with their agenda.  Our vote means nothing?  Then so should our money.

OK, fine. here's a solution:

Those of us who do not live in the CTran/loot rail districts, or any other of these myriad of districts with practically guaranteed pro-tax outcomes?

We shouldn't have to pay the tax.

That's right, since our vote on these issues is treated precisely the same as if we live in Oregon, I say let them have their tax district... only exempt all of us who live outside said district and who were denied a vote from paying the tax.

That way, only the people who were allowed to vote get the privilege of paying the tax they voted for, while the rest of us are left alone.

AND, scum like Laird can choke on his moronic "screw-the-people" sovereignty trash.

It's win-win.

There’s a lot of ways to go about it: We could go down to elections with our driver’s license and have them provide us with an ID card that proves we don’t live in the district(s) we’re not allowed to vote on. That way, when we make a purchase, we can show the ID card and get the smaller sales tax. Retailers could record it precisely the same way they record out of state purchases exempted from sales tax.

It would embarrass the crap out of the democrats when they blow a gasket because of the bill, make those who gerrymandered the CTran tax district look like idiots while those opposing said bill would get crushed in the next election.

What’s not to like?  And the cost?

Let the district excluding us have to pay for it.

Works for me.

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