Monday, December 26, 2011

McKenna, politics and religion.

Back in August, erstwhile gubernatorial candidate (mostly already treated as governor-elect) Rob Mckenna's shop issued, perhaps, the most moronic opinion in our state's history:

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

When Rob McKenna gets stupid: His shop wrongly denied baptism permit for Reality Church in Olympia.

So, RINO Rob McKenna wants to be governor.  Screwing around with the law ain't the way to get there.

The Reality Chruch in Olympia wanted to use Capitol Lake for a picnic/barbecue and baptism ceremony: McKenna's minions said yes to the picnic/barbeque, but no to the baptism, wrongly telling the church that:
“No public money or property shall be appropriated for or applied to any religious worship, exercise or instruction, or the support of any religious establishment.”
Any 3rd grader knows better.

McKenna SHOULD have exercised his prerogative, reversed that decision and had the permit issued.  End of story.

But he didn't. And one has to wonder why RINO Rob allowed that to happen.

Way to go, Rob
Upon reading this, McKenna's Clark County coordinator wrote this in reply... on August 30.

Peter Van Nortwick said...
I have discussed this with Rob, and he indicated that his office gave a range of options. He disagreed with what the GA spokesman said and indicated it did not match his opinion. I asked Rep Ann Rivers to requested a clarification from his office on the issue and then Rob discussed it with her. She asked a week ago Monday. I will push to see if we can get the information back sooner then later. This is a top priority for me.

10:20 AM
But it's not a "top priority" for Rob, because we're creeping up on 4 months later and Rob's office has provided nothing.

I've pointed out it didn't take this long to write the Declaration of Independence.  Putting together the battle plan for the Normandy invasion didn't take this long.

The fact is that for this issue to be correct would mean that peculiar interpretation would, for example, have to apply to the dozens of church services taking place after hours in public schools around this state.

But to RINO Rob, it's radio active.  So, he's likely thinking that the longer he stalls, the more likely it is that it will just fall through the cracks.  And maybe he's right.... except for me.  I'm not going to allow it to fall through the cracks.

This opinion was wrong from the beginning.  Time will not make it any righter.

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