Thursday, December 29, 2011

Jon Russell continues to comment under a fake face: Jessica Bowen.

Since Russell has scammed a temporary gig working for people who haven't gotten to know him yet, he's gone almost completely dark.

That is, it's hard to find statements attributed to him directly. Few quotes in the newspaper... practically no comments on their web sites.

In the past, Russell has been known for his multiple fake identities, used so he can shoot off at the mouth at others without having to be responsible for his lies, exaggerations, mischaracterizations and the like.

This blog is replete with documented instances of some of the few of his fake identities. And Jessica Bowen is but another of them.

Following the past pattern, where Russell used a fake sock-puppet identity by the name of "Teacher Judy Banks," Jon Russell is now using another fake identity, this Jessica Bowen person.

There are a few "Jessica Bowens" in Seattle. Here's one.

Now, the question might be asked: how do I know that identity is fake?

Well, it's simple, really.

Not one single person by the name "Jessica Bowen" is registered to vote anywhere in the Seattle area... Just like "Judy Banks."

No one is registered to vote in this state by the name of Jessica Bowen who was "Born on June 20, 1981."

Both his fake identities are cute, little and blond.

Oddly enough, the ONLY place "Bowen" comments is the Columbian.

She lives in Seattle is the claim, but.... doesn't comment anywhere... on anything.... but the Columbian?


How many women list "Red Dawn" as their favorite movie?

As politically active as she appears to be, she doesn't have a single political friend anywhere... but down here.

Russell rather moronically shills for term limits. And so does his sockpuppet "Bowen."

So, keep reading his comments. Just be advised... they're the property of one Washougal City Councilman, Jon Russell... and not a non-existent blond by the name of Jessica Bowen... a name that doesn't exist in the real world.

Cross-posted at Jon Russell Watch.


  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Hey if you are hard up for info on the guy, just make shit up. Even if you are wrong kelly never admit it big man.

  2. Now, Jon.... I know you hate it when I bust you.

    And, typically, I filter your obscenity-laden crap out. But there's a simple way to pout me in my place: show where I'm wrong.

    Everything I've written here can be proven. If I'm wrong, then prove it. I'll give you an open door and allow you to respond, unedited.

    That doesn't mean I won't respond, of course, but your behavior is so bizarre, and you lie so much that I really don't have to "make shit up" when it comes to you.

    And Jon, writing in the 3rd person doesn't help. That tracker software I use is REALLY good.


If I cannot identify you, then your post will be deleted.

No threats (Death or otherwise) allowed towards me or anyone else. If you have allegations of misconduct, they must be verifiable before I will publish them in comments.
