Friday, December 02, 2011

D's take it in the chops again: AFP off the hook, according to the PDC.

Given their issues with, well, Moxie Media, maybe they need to spend a little more time straightening out their own operations.
SEATTLE (AP) -- The investigative arm of the Public Disclosure Commission has recommended that a complaint of illegal elections tactics filed against a conservative political group be dismissed.
Democrats accused Americans for Prosperity Washington of not registering before mailing campaign materials targeting several Democratic candidates for the state Legislature in 2010.
At the time the group was headed by Kirby Wilbur, now the chairman of the state Republican Party.
But PDC investigators say the materials sent by the group didn't fall under the state's definition of political advertising because they did not recommend to voters who to cast their ballots for, but rather criticized the politicians.
The PDC's commissioners will hear the details of the investigation at their Dec. 8 meeting.

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