Friday, December 16, 2011

Democratian bitch slaps Leave-it and the Vancouver City Council for their moronic city manager pay raise debacle.

There can be no doubt that of the volumes of idiocy emanating from Mayor McFly and his band of ignorant twits, this one has to be at the top.

We already know about the lies of CTrans/Loot Rail/and the bridge replacement: huge rip offs all, shilled by the slime of the earth who are so far out of touch with the people of this community that reality couldn't be pumped in through a fire hose.

Now, to add to that, they give a $5000 pay raise to a guy making $167,000 a year already?

While they're laying off city employees?

In the middle of this horrific economy and double digit unemployment?

I wouldn't care if the city manager had a spigot in the middle of his chest that dispensed ice cold beer: he ain't worth what he's getting paid now when he makes more than the governor (Of course, considering our governor, that isn't a particularly high bar to cross over.) let alone $5G more after this raise.

Here's the deal: he's got a job.

And that, in and of itself, should be enough.

The city is wasting millions on assistants and public information types: we need to have the people who get things done stay on while we get rid of the eyewash.

And a pay raise?

Look, I blasted The Liar Wednesday for his idiocy:
Besides being a total liar, Leave-it apparently doesn't believe our economy is screwed up; while laying city employees OFF, he gives a $167K per year employee another 3.5 percent.

Besides being bereft of common sense and integrity, Tim "The Liar" Leave-it has the situational awareness of a board fence.

Local government employees have rightfully been laid off and received pay cuts. We continue to have local double-digit unemployment, a horrific housing market and everything that goes with it.

Then, we have a city manager who is a loot rail butt boy, and who goes along like a good little sheeple with whatever the Liar's agenda may be. And for suspending HIS common sense, he's rewarded with a pay raise that is a third of what many people take home in a year.... around $5,000.

Because GOD knows he can't muddle along with a paltry $167,000 per year.

In the interest of full disclosure, I wouldn't know Eric Holmes if he bit me. But to me, it doesn't matter if he is the re-incarnation of Abraham Lincoln: in THIS economy, NO PUBLIC EMPLOYEE SHOULD GET A RAISE.


Nice job, idiots
It's nice.... and down right bizarre, that enough oxygen made its way into Brancaccio's brain for once to actually have him exhibit common sense:

In our view: A Raise? In 2011?
When a city manager makes more than the governor, the system is misaligned

Friday, December 16, 2011

Enough is enough. The 3.5 percent salary increase granted Vancouver City Manager Eric Holmes by city councilors — who decided in the cozy cocoon of an executive session — is a slap in the face of taxpayers who will pay that increase.

We’re not saying that boosting Holmes’ pay to $167,152 annually (plus benefits) in and of itself suggests the end of the world as we know it. But obviously there is a dysfunctional misalignment of compensation of public employees at the local, state and federal levels.

Vancouver residents feel justifiably outraged when many city workers ride higher and higher on the hog while streets go unrepaired, fire stations are closed and then reopened and vital services are curtailed or eliminated.

What happened Monday in a three-hour meeting of the city councilors is symptomatic of a broken system. It’s time for governments to recognize that they cannot continue doing business independent of the devastating economic conditions that have brought the rest of society to its knees, financially. Granted, staffing levels for the city of Vancouver are down to what they were in 1998. And in Clark County government, about 15 percent of the workforce has been eliminated in the past two years. Still, two different economic worlds exist, one for regular folks in the private sector who are lucky to even have jobs, and another for the many levels of government.

We’re not buying the argument that Holmes deserves the increase. What he actually has earned is the same reward that is cherished in the private sector: continued employment. Such a reward has been denied — often undeservedly — to thousands of taxpayers who pay Holmes’ salary.

Memo to Tim "The Liar" Leave-it and his gang:  When Brancaccio and *I* actually AGREE on a political issue.... then you need to seriously re-consider your stupidity and address the concerns in question... which brings me to Councilman Jack Burkman.

I have some level of respect for Burkman.  He's shown he can stand up to The Liar and his ilk when he wants to... he certainly withstood major pressure from the democratian, the downtown mafia, identity vancouver, CRUDEC, and the Chamber of Horrors in his steadfast opposition to the Yakima Millionaires/Clark College/Steve "The Liar" Stuart baseball scam.

But in this, in the comments section under the editorial, Burkman actually, foolishly attempts... and fails.... to defend the indefensible: his approval of this completely uncalled for and unneeded pay raise for the city manager; after all, if he DOESN'T get a pay raise, what's he going to do.... quit?

If he does, he can be replaced.  As can all who approved his pay raise.

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