Thursday, December 01, 2011

The democratian's march of stupidity continues: View: Precarious Profits Adding slot machines at cardrooms is the wrong way to solve budget problems






One of the many reasons to despise the rag is their situational ethics.

To oppose the idea that SOME effort should be made to level the playing field between the private sector and the tribal monopoly on gaming in this state is, of course, absurd on it's face.  But to oppose it because of a vote that took place 7 years ago?

That's stupidity wrapped in a moron.

If THIS is a bad idea, then that must make the CRC and loot rail the worst idea in the history of man, given that every effort to ram this down our throats has been slaughtered at the polls.

IF this bill is a bad idea because we voted against it 7 years ago.... then why is the CRC a somehow GOOD idea in the face of it's voting history?

Well, that's different.

To the democratian, when they implement their editorial double-standard, it's ALWAYS "different."

Protect a drunk democrat who molested female staff?  That's different.

Attack anyone to the right of Mao because they oppose your agenda?  That's different.

Lie, exaggerate, fabricate in support of your vision?  That's different.

I support this for the same reason I oppose tribal casinos: I want a level playing field.  I want everyone to be able to compete, fairly, with the same laws, rules, costs, fees and taxes.

This is a step towards that, a step that would result in hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue that we're told is badly needed.... though I disagree.

But if it IS needed, this is a great way to get it.

Because for whatever the reason, the tribal monopoly, re-enforced by Gregoire, sucks hundreds of millions out of this state's economy where the state doesn't get a dime as a result.

In Connecticut, the Mohegans pay the state $400 million a year for their gambling operation.  That one tribe, by itself, pays the state $400 million a year MORE then all of the many casinos in Washington State pay to OUR state, combined.

OK, fine.

Since the tribes won't pay (No, they don't have to pay) then let's come up with some others ways to get that revenue.

For the rag to throw a hissy fit without coming up with idea one to use instead?  Well, that's just typical of the short-sighted, blindered and biased moron running the show.

"Gambling revenue is notoriously unpredictable?"  So what?  Does that mean we should avoid having any revenue from it at all because in the withered brain of whoever wrote this claptrap the revenue is "hard to predict?"

And the rag's concern about a tax is touching.  But when you're taxing a stream of revenue that is first, entirely voluntary and second, doesn't even exist now?  Well, that's a hell of a lot different then going batshit crazy to jack up our taxes, which are by no means voluntary, for cadillac buses we don't need and can't afford.... but that damned sure didn't stop this carbuncle on our community's behind, did it?

And when this used toilet paper babbles about "deteriorating a community's quality of life," they need look no further then their own efforts and existence, which has been the single-largest blight on Southwest Washington for decades.  See, idiots, the fascinating thing about the law is this: if it doesn't work... when one of the results is that "a community's quality of life" is "deteriorated," well guess what?

You can change it.

See, it's not just that the idiots writing these editorials are so criminally ignorant.  It's that they're usually engaging in rank hypocrisy of the kind that, well, gripes my shorts.

It's all well and good for these clowns, who know so much about finances that their rag went bankrupt and they lost their new, over-priced building, to say "no."  But it's quite another when they fail to provide ANY alternative, viable or not, and rely entirely on absolutely unsupportable and unjustifiable fear mongering to accomplish their aim.

Typically... sickening.

1 comment:

  1. Gambling revenues are unpredictable, but projected revenues from a class A minor league ball club aren't?

    Gotta love propaganda.


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