Monday, December 12, 2011

The death of Federal arrogance and failure to enforce laws against illegal aliens? Kagan recuses.

The number of honorable leftists has just reached... well.... one.

Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagen has recused herself on this issue, much like she should Obamacare, and for the same reason:
In its notice, the court said Justice Elena Kagan had recused herself from the decision to take the case.

Justice Kagan has come under fire for not recusing herself from the decision to hear challenges to the new health care law.

She was Mr. Obama’s solicitor general from March 2009 up through May 2010, though she stopped taking part in cases in March 2010 so she would preserve her ability to hear them as a justice.
This will likely mean she will also recuse from the inevitable Obamacare challenges, the unconstitutional effort to force Americans to buy a product.

Is this Obama's "Souter Moment," the liberal blowing up in his face like Souter blowing up in Bush Senior's?

Time will tell.  But it's likely more than a few pins were stuck in the Kagan doll today by leftists everywhere generally, and the White House particularly.

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