Wednesday, December 14, 2011

CTrans: gerrymandering that would make Al Capone blush.

With the widespread corruption of our local government at the county level, it was somewhat of a surprise for the democratian to do an article detailing the expert job of gerrymandering CTran did when they developed their rip off tax district.

Certainly, there will be some changes when that lying thief Leave-it gets around to tightening down the screws even more for the loot rail rip off:

Only two communities as a whole rejected Prop. 1: Battle Ground, which said no by a narrow margin of 50.5 percent to 49.5 percent, and the town of Yacolt — served only by a once-daily limited bus route — where 52.4 percent of voters rejected the measure.
The measure’s worst showing came in north Camas and a small pocket of Vancouver’s northern urban growth boundary, east of Interstate 205, where fewer than 40 perent of voters supported Prop. 1.
Is there any doubt that Leave-it, The Liar Stuart and their fellow thugs won't remove those precincts as well, like they removed the rest of the precincts countywide that opposed their scam?

Read the rest of this trash here, if you can stomach it.

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