Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Besides being a total liar, Leave-it apparently doesn't believe our economy is screwed up; while laying city employees OFF, he gives a $167K per year employee another 3.5 percent.

Besides being bereft of common sense and integrity, Tim "The Liar" Leave-it has the situational awareness of a board fence.

Local government employees have rightfully been laid off and received pay cuts.  We continue to have local double-digit unemployment, a horrific housing market and everything that goes with it.

Then, we have a city manager who is a loot rail butt boy, and who goes along like a good little sheeple with whatever the Liar's agenda may be.  And for suspending HIS common sense, he's rewarded with a pay raise that is a third of what many people take home in a year.... around $5,000.

Because GOD knows he can't muddle along with a paltry $167,000 per year.

In the interest of full disclosure, I wouldn't know Eric Holmes if he bit me.  But to me, it doesn't matter if he is the re-incarnation of Abraham Lincoln: in THIS economy, NO PUBLIC EMPLOYEE SHOULD GET A RAISE.


Nice job, idiots.

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