Thursday, November 10, 2011

Voters and transportation issues in Clark County.

Naturally, the democratian is thrilled by the statewide loss of I-1125 and the increase in the local bleeding, county-wide, for the scammers at CTrans.... though, as always, they continue their silence at the CTrans extortion where they want to force us to pay this tax increase without allowing us to have any say.  And that will be remembered, Marc Boldt.

Well, here's my take:

The rag's ongoing effort to remove their political allies from any responsibilities for the tolls THEY ARE IMPOSING, (And make no mistake: the rag's and their shill's lack of concern or care for what the people want when it comes to the unneeded, unwanted and unaffordable bridge replacement/loot rail scam DOES equate to imposing tolls... since there would be no project or tolls if they'd listen to us.) is a two-fold effort to change the public perception of this fringe-left publication while continuing to try and get their political allies off the hook.

Anyone paying attention knows two things: that this waste of wood fiber desperately wants loot rail, and they, frankly, don't give a damn what we want.

Yeah, I know... they're willing to lie and CLAIM they want a county-wide vote for CTrans. And that IS a lie:
This is one reason we’ve advocated a countywide vote on light rail. It would be that significant of a change in our community. It’s a change that we editorially support, but that’s not what counts. Establishing a true public consensus is what counts.
Yet, they asked precisely zero of the candidates if they would support such a plan, and they deliberately FAILED to ask that question of them because to do so would have put the candidates they supported, democrats all.... again... at odds with the rag's true agenda... and they would have had to remind everyone of that and, gasp, MAYBE support those who are not enamored of the downtown mafia.

There can be little doubt.  County-wide, the overwhelming support of I-1125 SHOULD send a message to those in elective office.  It should also be a campaign issue in every campaign and at every level:

"Will you support and require a county-wide vote on the moronic CRC/Loot rail scam?"

The rag never asked the question, or any variation.  Because they really, truly, don't want to hear the answer.

And why they felt compelled to lie about it in this column?  Well, that one is easy.  As the second of two local democrat newsletters, they suffer financially because of that role... since even though our population continues to climb, their circulation, thankfully, continues to decline.  The fact is that every single one of the candidates they endorsed is opposed to a county-wide vote.  You know it... I know it... and the paper knows it.  But NOW it's an issue?

So, like Ridgefield Barbie, they whip out the smoke and mirrors and attempt to convince the reader that they really DO share our values and they really DO want a county wide vote... on a small portion of the project.

But if they really gave a damn, they'd hold EVERY elected official accountable who opposes such a vote from the top down and CRUSADE for a countywide vote on the entire project.  They'd go after a public vote with AT LEAST as much zeal as they've gone after me... and Van Nortwick.... and Boger.... and Madore...

Haven't seen that... have you?

And you won't.

Don't be taken in when these slime balls lie.  Because like most of the best casket salesmen, they make you think you NEED the bronze handles.

But as they demonstrate with every issue, talk is cheap.  And until they go after those opposed to allowing a vote?

Then this editorial is the usual pack of lies this despicable carbuncle on the butt of our community with which we must put up with.  But now, at least, you know the truth.

Yeah.... nothing like forcing OTHERS to vote with a "social conscience" when YOU don't have to pay it.

In this instance, the lies speak for themselves. If the rag were so concerned about a county-wide vote, then they would hold every elected official opposed to such a vote accountable, and they would have made this an election issue in their endorsements.... when the question wasn't even asked. Strange that it's such a big deal now, when they've been ignoring it, literally, for years.

What's NOT strange is that others... who don't have to pay for any of this... would attempt to ram it down the throats of those of us who do.  Because when you don't HAVE to care.... that's how you roll.

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