Saturday, November 19, 2011

Tim "The Liar" Leave-it plays the Columbian.

While he is a lying scuzball who's political career is over, the rag's desperate efforts to rehabilitate his image have just gone over the top.

There's only one of two things going on here.

Mayor Scumbag McFly actually believes the garbage he's spewing... Or he's playing the morons at the rag like a fiddle.

Leave-it, while a confirmed lying scuz who should do the political world a favor and resign, knows in his heart that he's through.  He is not believable in any stretch of the imagination... and his lies will dog him as much as Zarelli's bogus unemployment claim will ever keep him from higher elected office.

So, when crap like this gets layered in the fishwrapper, they're either blithering idiots, or they see this as yet another in their many efforts to rehabilitate this lying punk's image.

If he was the democrat's candidate (and his bullshit, faux GOP efforts notwithstanding, he IS a democrat,) we'd have to make a choice between two liars, one more of a moron than the other.

So, save it, Tim.  We all know you're not going to run any more then your buddy Steve "The Liar" Stuart, the architect of your lie of a mayoral campaign is going to run.

Scum is as scum does, and you don't have the testicles for it.
Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt and Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler
Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt and Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler

What’s next for Vancouver city council?

2013 could be pivotal for Smith, Stewart, Burkman
It’s come down to decision time.
Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt — in an Aug. 11 tweet from his account floated a single question: “Leavitt for Congress?”
There’s since been little from him on the topic, but that hasn’t kept down a flood of questions about a race featuring Leavitt and freshman Republican Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Camas.
What party would Leavitt run with? Does he have enough experience? Can he raise the money? Will he find enough support?
Either way, Leavitt — or whoever else may want to challenge Herrera Beutler — will likely need to step forward soon to get started trying to unseat her in 2012. Leavitt’s said he’s likely to make an announcement this week.
A rumor is floating in Democratic circles that the party has someone else in mind: someone new, someone female.
But if or until that person steps forward, Leavitt, 40, remains the most visible and well-known person to take on Herrera Beutler, 33. Another candidate, Jon Haugen, has also announced he’ll run as a conservative Democrat in the race.
It’s not a certainty that Leavitt would have a smooth time ascending the political ranks. The mayor, only two years into his first four-year term (following five years on city council), may alienate some by trying to move on too quickly.
“He was really charged to become mayor of Vancouver,” noted former Mayor Royce Pollard, whom Leavitt defeated in 2009 a
hard-fought race. That rift hasn’t healed. “People wonder here about his dedication to city of Vancouver.”
More of his babble, if you can stomach it.

1 comment:

  1. Jim Moeller said it BEST this time!

    Rep. Jim Moeller, D-Vancouver, put it another way: “It’ll kind of be a Barbie and Ken race, don’t you think?”


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