Wednesday, November 30, 2011

More hypocrisy from an Obama: Michelle, again.

As we all know, Michelle Obama was instrumental in setting up the school food gestapo.  Her cult of personality has had ripple effects that have resulted in restaurant businesses changing their business models and menus, all because she wants them to.  Her efforts are directly responsible for ending that mass killer of children, The School Bake Sale (screams of horror sound effects optional.)

The problem?  She's a rank hypocrite.  She wants to tell us what and how to eat... but she uses her position to pig out whenever, and however she wants.

Today's example?


People, Politics, and Power

FLOTUS dines at Co Co. Sala

MORE SIGHTINGS First lady Michelle Obama enjoyed a lovely evening at Co Co. Sala on F Street on Monday night. A Yeas & Nays source tells us she dined with seven friends for dinner and, of course, dessert -- which featured an edible chocolate sculpture and house-made artisanal chocolates by Chef Santosh Tiptur. We're told Obama's favorite savory was Chef Tiptur's Moroccan Swordfish Sliders with chermoula marinade, fennel salad, aged pecorino and hazelnut coffee dressing. The restaurant owners later posted to Twitter about their excitement of having her as a guest. "It was such an honor to have first lady Michelle Obama dine at Co Co. Sala last night. What an exciting and humbling experience
"Let them eat cake" didn't work out all that well in the 18th century, and it ain't working out all that well now... except Michelle has changed the meme to "Let them eat carrot sticks" while she clogs her OWN arteries, and those of her kids, with all manner of foods that most of us have never eaten and couldn't afford to eat if we even knew they existed.

It would be bad enough that this witch imposes her will on us if she not only talked the talk, but walked the walk.  But this kind of rank, lying hypocrisy makes me want to fire up the Bronco and go get a triple cheese burger, fries, milkshake and wash it all down with a big ol' sundae.

I won't, of course, because the only one in charge of what I eat is me.  But Michelle; leadership, which is what you really, really, really want us to believe you're exhibiting on this issue, includes much more then words.  It involves setting the example.  And that's a concept you simply can't seem to grasp.

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