Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Memo to Marc Boldt: you vote for the baseball scam... you're done.

I've sat silently by for a lot of years while my brother in law has screwed the people of Clark County, endorsed and worked for getting democrats elected, increased our taxes time and again and wasted our money by the tens of thousands.

I am watching. And I will do everything I legally can to get you unelected next year if you, once again, vote to jack up our taxes for Steve "The Liar" Stuart's and Tim "The Liar" Leave-it's baseball scam.

You will have to address a wide variety oif issues not discussed before. And Stuart will drop his support of you like you're radioactive.

Do what you think you've got to do. I'll do what I think I've got to do.

Just sayin'.

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