Sunday, November 20, 2011

It's eight months today that the Columbian began their cover up of the Jim Jacks scandal, to protect him... and the democrats.


Former Rep. Jacks resigned due to misconduct that involved staffers and alcohol.

This has been confirmed to me by multiple sources.

Jacks is a democrat, so naturally the local Goebbelian propaganda arm will do anything they can to protect him or any other democrat... after all, didn't they insist on endorsing a democrat for Assessor WHO HAD NEVER VOTED IN THE ENTIRETY OF HER LIFE?

The allegations concerning Jacks range from repeated sexual harassment episodes, to inappropriate physical contact to all hours "drunk calls" to at least one female staffer.

The democratian likely knows this. The information is, in fact, readily available, and the democrat's efforts to keep it covered up, while expected and supported by the rag is hardly the kind of transparency exhibited during the episodes concerning Jim Dunn and Richard Curtis... so the double standard is both obvious... and blatant.

One episode involving Jacks is alleged to have occurred on St. Patrick's day and was observed by another democrat legislator and involved interaction that is alleged to have bordered on assault involving a female member of OPR, or the House Office of Program Research.

Others involve at least one other staffer, and include long term issues of harassment and inappropriate late night calls.

Multiple sources have confirmed to me that alcohol has played a part in all of this.

Since the democratian IS a democrat paper, I appreciate their efforts to protect one of their own. But any speculation is a result of Jacks' and the democrat's failure to tell the truth and be transparent about the misconduct of one of their own, the same way they demand Republicans at all levels to be held accountable for their misdeeds.

The fact is that the based on the representation of the 49th District, it's likely they'd have no difficulty electing someone who had molested a girl scout troop. Jacks' sudden departure speaks to a far more serious series of issues; otherwise, he would have easily weathered the storm, rode it out and continued to serve.

That he bailed out with no notice speaks to the both the severity of the issues and the fact that the democrats do NOT want this kind of thing hanging over their heads in what's shaping up to be one of their most difficult election cycles since 1994.

I'm just sorry I'm doing the democratian's job for them. And if the rag doesn't know this stuff, it's because they don't WANT to know, or they're doing what their democrat masters are telling them to do.

Memo to the democrats: The only way you can make this disappear in a hurry is to spill all of it, now. Otherwise, it will NOT go away, and what the paper is calling "speculation" which is very close to factual, will continue to run rampant and continue to be an election issue.

You people know this... so do I... so why play games about it? Spill it all, get it over with. You got rid of the main problem... don't let it last any longer then you have to.

For more details, go to Lew Waters Blog..

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