Thursday, November 17, 2011

In My View: Visualize a decent newspaper.

Other than for its amazing longevity, the daily newspaper for this community is not a source of pride for the people of Clark County. To the contrary, it’s an embarrassment, a relic and a substandard structure, in fact a bewilderingly unique red light  in a West Coast major transportation corridor.

That's the curse of our existence here in Clark County: we're hobbled with an arrogant, "our judgement is far superior to the unwashed masses" daily newspaper, ran and staffed by a group of people who rarely are held accountable for the perfidy they engage in (Still stinging over your attempts to hurt Brent Boger, Lou?) and as a result, instead of fighting to end our execution, the local rag remains fixated on the design of the rope... all the while, ignoring what should be, for both our local despicable rag and every level of government that opposes us... precisely this:

What do the PEOPLE want?

Odd that the rag and their fellow travelers fear us so much.  Odder still that they lie about WANTING our opinion on loot rail... while remaining silent about our ability to vote on the entirety of this project... keeping in mind this fact:

Those babbling the loudest in support of this project?

Why, they'll be the ones who have to pay the least to build it.

And, as an editorial policy, hypocrisy never goes down well.  I, for one eagerly await the impending demise of our own cancer in the community, and with every article and editorial that ignores the well-known opposition to their version of utopia, that desire for their financial eradication increases.

All of this is a shame, really.  Few people to the right of Mao want to read the local version of Pravda; the moron running the shop apparently is truly delusional enough to believe that his view is mainstream when it wouldn't have been out of place in Moscow during the Stalin Era.... because, while my history of the time may be a bit hazy, I don't recall the people of the Soviet Union having any more say in their government about these types of projects than we have in ours.... that is to say, none.

The people of this area do not want a project we cannot afford, a project that will result in life-long, ever-increasing tolls for a project that will accomplish absolutely nothing in terms of freight mobility or congestion; a project that will heap yet another mountain of debt over the top of us.... and our children.... that will NEVER be paid off... and that those working at the rag?

Well, THEY won't have to pay for it... and we all know how easy it is for the rag to spend OUR money.

Other dictators and tyrants have, in the past, acted out of their sense of superiority, arrogance and non-accountability.  Others have paid lip service to democracy, all the while not really caring what the people want.

And others have inevitably fallen... as this despicable rag will fall.

That's a shame, really.  But when arrogance is your creed; when you're willing to lie, attack, destroy, ridicule and attempt to pulverize and ignore the cries of those you help oppress... well, there's really not a hell of a lot of difference between the mindsets of the clowns running Syria and those running the Columbian... is there?  In fact... it's only a matter of degree.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, Kelly. You've ranted near 4 or 5 years about the local paper. What kind of paper DO you want to see?

    I don't think I have ever read you speak of examples of what you might want to see.....


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