Monday, November 21, 2011

"Commissioner holidays" Another massive waste of money that Marc Boldt supports.

Democrat Marc Boldt, who long since has lost any pretense of being the conservative Republican he used to be, is on a crusade... or, more properly, a jihad... to find and support wastes of money in county government and CTrans.

We already know about his rabid support of the most recent rip off, the CTrans sales tax scam and his support for the gerrymandered tax district that excludes 10's of thousands of us from voting... but not from paying their tax... and now?  In the midst of our double-digit unemployment and this horrific recession?

Boldt can waste $140,000 of our money... on a "commissioner holiday."

That's right.  Multiple sources at the county tell me that Boldt SUPPORTS the idea of just GIVING county employees at least one, and possibly two, paid days off, over and above their already horrifically expensive benefits... just because.

Tom Mielke has tried and tried to get this removed.  Boldt ignores him... and Stuart?  Well, Stuart would sell his own mother to get re-elected (I call him "The Liar" as well... and for a damned good reason) so you know damned well HE won't step up.

So, congrats, Marc.  between all your many tax increases, your travel on the government dime, your wastes of money like this... well, you are screwing us sideways... like he's spending OPM... when he SHOULD be spending every dime as if it were coming out of HIS kid's pockets.

See you this election.

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