Saturday, November 12, 2011

Brancaccio SHATTERS the hypocrisy meter.

It's no secrtet that Brancaccio is a punk.  It's no secret that he's a bully.  It's no secret that Joseph Goebbels could teach him a thing or two about honesty, integrity and decency... not because Goebbels practiced any of those, but in comparison, he was that much further ahead of the Nazi running our local rag.

But in today's gloating, self-flagellating column, Brancaccio takes it over the top.

I won't review his entire column of lies, bias, gloat and gracelessness, nor his desire to inflict paid on everyone opposed to his world view.

I'll just snatch the MOST hypocritical thing this pig has ever written.... and he's written uncounted examples:
I like Wentzel, so I sent along a constructive email. I said, my mom taught me, if you’re in the business of always blaming others for your shortcomings, you’ll never get any better.
This was the set up.  How he ever GOT in the business of always blaming others.... well, that's a mystery.  How he became such a complete asshole isn't.
I was thinking maybe she’d see the obvious and concede she needs to look within first, before pointing the fingers at others.
That's it.  There it is.  THIS scumbag suggesting that SOMEONE ELSE should do what HE needs to do so desperately?

That is the most vile, the rankest, most hypocritical thing our scumbag rag-man has ever written.

You can read the rest if you like.  I would suggest you not bother... especially if you've eaten.


  1. Brancaccio facetiously calls Josephine his "good friend." I'd like to see one friendly word written in the Columbian pertaining to her in this campaign.

    Brancaccio comes across more as a frenemy.

  2. What Kelly forgot to suggest is that Lou NEVER accepts fault and lack of responsibility when there is even a minor error. This fool has the gall to blame the victim in this charade?

    Is that what a domestic violence situation happens? When an abuser blames the victim for his actions???

    I don't know that needs to happen, but I don't think I can handle another year of his abilities at the handle of the C'. Has it not been enough that his psychotic episodes never seem to end?

  3. Wasn't there some real news that needed to be found out. Jim Jacks and alcohol, Jim Jacks messing around with women, or both. What about the real filth that occupy Portland. Too much alike to report the lice, alcohol, drugs, rape, rats, stealing, profanities, abuse of police. No, Obamaville is born of spoiled Democrats, and act just like this creep. Delusional spoiled Democrats.


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