Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Boldt shows his obvious confusion: Madore to expand no toll efforts to North Clark County

The Reflector has stirred it up a notch by doing an article on David Madore, who took the opportunity to rightfully smack my brother-in-law, Democrat County Commissioner Marc Boldt around over his spend us into bankruptcy efforts as a Clark County Commissioner.

Madore said he will use the C.A.S.H. model to evaluate potential candidates.

"C.A.S.H stands for character, attitude, skill and habits," said Madore.

According to Madore, it is the same method he uses to assess prospective employees for his company, which he believes makes it an appropriate approach to selecting public officials.

"When the public elects people, they are hiring them for a job," he said.

Madore stated he doesn’t "have anyone identified for future office" yet, but he will "defiantly" be looking for someone to challenge Clark County Commissioner Marc Boldt, who is up for reelection next year.

"I am very disappointed in Marc Boldt, there’s no difference between Boldt and the biggest deficit spender I know," said Madore.

According to Madore, Boldt is neither a "true republican" nor a "fiscal conservative."

"Boldt used to have a good record, but he’s been in office way too long … now he is a Republican-in-name-only," said Madore.

Madore also confirmed he is considering the political strategy of focusing on elected positions that sit on the C-TRAN Board of Directors or the Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council (RTC). Madore said his goal is to be able to give the public a vote and "voice" on light rail and tolls. It’s a tactic Clark County Commissioner Boldt doesn’t believe will ultimately impact the tolling discussion.
Marc's unlimited spending habits are not the only issue... by far.

Marc voted for the gerrymandering of the CTran tax district, excluding 10's of thousands of us from being able to vote... but not from paying the taxes he so strongly supports.

Marc voted to take our firearms away from us in the event the Commissioners "declare an emergency," ala the New Orleans/Katrina debacle.

Marc voted to jack up our property taxes and send the money to the county health department... where, coincidentally, I'm sure, my sister-in-law, Boldt's wife, just happens to work.

Marc demanded that we jack up the sales tax in the most recent CTrans scam... again, making sure that we had no right to vote on the issue.

Marc has endorsed Steve "The Liar" Stuart against Republican opponents at least twice.

There is more... much more... but that will have to wait until after Thanksgiving.

And Marc's confusion?

"Even if (Madore) replaced the entire C-TRAN and RTC Board, the Federal Government will still call all the shots on tolling," he said.

Boldt says he is "confused" by Madore labeling him a "deficit spender."

"To me a deficit is having an unbalanced budget and I’ve never had an unbalanced budget as an elected person," he said.

Boldt is also "concerned" about the amount of time political candidates spend discussing tolling.

"If a person is running for a County Commissioner position and his only issue is a state and federal issue, it begs the question what the candidate is going to do with the other 95 percent of the issues affecting the county," said Boldt.
The Fed, of course, will have nothing to do with controlling the size of the tolls that Marc supports so strongly. That is a state issue, and there wouldn't BE any tolls if Boldt had just acted like a Republican and drew a line in the sand:

"You want a bridge? Then you'd better figure out a way to build it without tolls. Or else."

That's what a Republican would have done. And that's not what he did.

Odd, that. Boldt is concerned about arguably the biggest tax ever levied on commuters in this state, a tax he supports... and he's "concerned" we're talking about it?

It will be front and center... it will be everywhere he goes... at every public meeting. Of COURSE he wants to put this behind him... but the trouble is that when you sell us out?

Ultimately, you're the one who is going to pay.

Get used to it Marc. It's going to be one of the many reasons you're voted out of office in a few months.

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