Monday, November 21, 2011

As yet another sign that Tim "The Liar" leave-it was playing the Columbian...

THIS moronic article got put up on the web site.

Good.... God.

Given how quickly he'd be flattened and how little money the lying mayor of Vancouver would be able to raise, the idea that he'd even consider this... in his wildest dreams, dreams neither newsworthy nor worthy of mention in even this sham of a newspaper.

But, as I told the rag a few days ago... The Liar has no more intention to run against Ridgefield Barbie than he does to "Leavitate."

Their desperate efforts to rehabilitate his image as a lying scumbag aside, the rag has been getting played here.  They should know better... and so should the slimy worm in question.

Oh, and Tim?  By all means... run for re-election.  Please.  I'm begging you.

The utter humiliation and embarrassment that would result from such an effort should kick the dumb-ass idea that you have any political future out of that vacuous head.
Leavitt: I'll likely run for mayor, not Congress
Vancouver mayor won't challenge Herrera Beutler 
Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt said Monday he will not run for Congress.Zachary Kaufman/Columbian files
Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt said Monday he will not run for Congress.
By Andrea Damewood and Stephanie Rice Columbian staff writers
Originally published November 21, 2011 at 11:32 a.m., updated November 21, 2011 at 3:09 p.m.
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Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt said Monday he will not run against U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler in 2012, but did say it’s “very likely” he’ll run again for mayor in 2013. 
Speculation about whether Leavitt would run against Herrera Buetler, R-Camas, was the subject of a front-page story in Sunday’s Columbian. 
Leavitt, 40, made his announcement Monday in an email to members of the Vancouver City Council, City Manager Eric Holmes and city lobbyist Mark Brown. 
“I committed to making a final decision about a run for our Congress seat this past week,” Leavitt wrote. “After much conversation, advice/feedback and deliberation, I’ve decided now is not the right time for me, for our City Council and for our Community, to pursue the WA 3rd Congressional District seat.” 
Work here in Vancouver, including serious adjustments and improvements in the city’s structure, as well as community development projects, isn’t done, said Leavitt, who was elected mayor in 2009. 
“I want to see those through to completion,” he said. “I’m not sure we’ll be able to finish laying those foundations in the next two years.”  Two city councilors have also expressed interest in Leavitt’s job, Mayor Pro Tem Larry Smith and Councilor Jeanne Stewart. 
“If those council members think they can do a better job than I can, I welcome the challenge and debate in a public forum on our accomplishments and leadership style,” he said Monday. “I think it was my predecessor coined who the phrase, ‘Hey, anybody can run for mayor.’ But there’s a difference between running for mayor ... and actually handling the pressure and responsibilities.”
More Liar babble here:

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