Saturday, November 26, 2011

Another Tim "The Liar" Leave-it idiocy: "The voters" have spoken.

There are a number of reasons why the slimeball mayor of Vancouver is dangerous to us all here locally.

We're all aware of the despicable lie that was his campaign: his rabid support of massive tolls on a bridge we do not need, want or can afford; his equally strong efforts to keep us all from voting on his lie; his lies as part of the CTrans tax measures, and his efforts, along with fellow democrats Steve "The Liar" Leavitt and Marc "Sellout" Boldt to utilize the gerrymandered CTran tax district that precludes the citizens of this county from having any say, while allowing the dependent on socialists population he controls to determine the outcome of tax issues for the rest of us... by virtue of insuring that all major retailers.... and most minor... are included in their carefully cutout lines so that the vast majority of us are kept from voting... but not from paying their taxes.

So, in response to a constituents well-founded concerns, when The Liar responds like this:
Larry - the voters were asked to decide this matter...and of course as you now know, resoundingly approved. What more do you want? Tim

One must remember:

"The voters" weren't "asked" a damned thing.

A few people were empowered to extort money from the rest of us, and like always, decided it was a hell of an idea.

They were lied to by people like The Liar and Sellout; CTrans didn't NEED the money... they WANTED the money.  So The Liar asked a few of his carefully screened fellow fringe-leftists to sign off on the deal, and they obliged.

But as you're paying this tax for the rest of your life, feel free to ask yourself:  did anyone ask me?  Why not?  Am I not one of "the voters" The Liar is babbling about?

Well, chances are, you're not.  Because as the vote on I-1125, which passed at an almost 60-40 rate in Clark County proved, as this thing gone to ALL the voters in this county... you know.... the people who will have to actually pay for The Liar's vision?

It would have been crushed.

Tim "The Liar" knows it.  Steve "The Liar" knows it.  "Sellout" knows it.

Clearly, Leavitt would have been comfortable as the mayor of a city in the 3rd Reich.  He has the same mentality.

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