Thursday, October 06, 2011

Yes, Marc Boldt is my brother-in-law. No, he's long since stopped any allegiance to the Republican Party.

So, Marc Boldt has become his endorsed democrat buddy, Steve "The Liar" Stuart and the downtown Mafia's best buddy because he did what he was told and publicly beat up on the state GOP for his string pullers.

It's odd, in a way.  The gross over-exaggerations by the targets of the information requests concerning the costs and time involved in turning over email to the state GOP.

Let me make this perfectly clear: of those whining the most about this, there are 3 groups: those targeted by the request who do NOT want their communications made public; those who do not do and have never done constituency work, and those of us who have... namely, me.

First, and foremost, there shouldn't be any requirement to review ANY emails.

Let me repeat that:  there should be no requirement to review ANY emails.

Both Steve "The Liar" Stuart and Tim "The Liar" Leavitt SHOULD have organized ALL of their emails into two main groups:  Those which can be disclosed, and those which cannot.

In this instance, it is THEIR failure to organize THEIR email that has caused this bruhaha, and not the request from the state GOP.

I have DONE constituency work... I KNOW the rules, both of what is disclosable... and what isn't.

This is not a failure in any way on the part of the GOP.

What it is is a scam run by both "The Liars" and the cancer on our community masquerading as a newspaper.... while failing to hold The Liars accountable for THEIR failures.

Had THEY taken this simple step... no review would have been required.  But we all know that... right?

Which brings me to Marc fronting for the democrats.

The story reports:
Boldt said he spoke with Peter Graves, executive director of the state Republican party.
“I said, I don’t want to say anything bad about my party, but that I’m prepared to,” Boldt said.
I replied:
Really? Why would you speak ill of your fellow democrats?

Marc's votes are almost always aligned with those of Steve "The Liar" Stuart's.  He has voted with him and against his alleged fellow Republican, Tom Mielke.

Now, reader... don't misunderstand me: I have ZERO doubt that Tom Mielke is a Republican.

Like I have zero doubt that Marc Boldt is a democrat.

Marc has endorsed Stave "The Liar" Stuart over Republicans, including Tom Mielke.  The votes Marc has taken (and failed to take) are much more closely aligned with democrat positions on most issues and he has had years now to address the abuses heaped on us at the local level by the democrat majorities on the county commission.

Thus, Marc's actions in working to shield The Liar Stuart from transparency and scrutiny by what he laughingly refers to as "my party" tends to fly in the face of that observation.

One can only wonder:


Why doesn't he just come out and switch parties?

He's stopped thinking and acting like a Republican for years now, including taking some genuinely bizarre votes shortly after becoming a commissioner in the first place.

So, Marc, what say you quit screwing around and just switch parties.  After all, you're doing their bidding as if they were paying you... so just get it done and end the suspense.

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