Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Now we have a perjurer for an Attorney General?

It's bad enough that we have a liar as a local mayor for the largest city in SW Washington.  It's bad enough that we have a liar and criminal as our Secretary of the Treasury in Tim "Turbo Tax Timmy" Geithner.

Now we have a liar for an Attorney General.

Eric Holder has been an embarassment to the United States.

Affirmative action is not a great policy for cabinet appointments.. Holder has been in over his head from day one.  Now his policies have led directloy to the murder of two US Border Patrol agents.

And then he lied about it.

There was no "misunderstanding."  Holder lied, Agents died.

He is guilty of perjury.  Like at lerast a shlecp like Roger Clemmons, Eric Holder should be tried for his criminal acts and he should go to prison.

The AG must be held to the highest standard; a baseball pitcher should not be tried for lying to Congress about steroids while our own Attorney General gets off for lying about murder.

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