Monday, October 24, 2011

Jon Russell condemns the candidates he's running to electoral death.

Around these parts, few have the high degree of political leprosy exhibited by Jon Russell, failed congressional and state representative candidate, and lame duck city council member Russell, who is acting as the puppeteer in his efforts to take over the city government has condemned them to likely overwhelming defeat by his public endorsement.

Russell, a rank political liar with zero integrity, has endorsed his slate of four that he believes will do his bidding:

Russell, of course, is a pathological liar.

In his campaigns, he's lied, repeatedly, about his own identity, making up fake facebook identities, fake newspaper/blog commenting identities so he can attack those he opposes, even after being outed by his own wife; lied repeatedly, over a period of several months, EVEN AFTER BEING OUTED BY THE DEMOCRATIAN about his education.  he's lied about his wife being a doctor.  He lied about what "precincts he won" in Washougal as he was getting his ass kicked in the primary. He's lied about how much money he's raised for his campaigns.

He even lies about being a conservative, having worked VERY hard to ram tax increases down our throats by making 5 figure salaries in his efforts pass the Port Levy and the Library Levy.  Major tax increases that no true conservative would ever support.

In fact, when it comes to his efforts to impress people, there's really damned little he HASN'T lied about.

As a Washougal city councilor, I recommend four candidates for the council. Caryn Plinski in Position 2 understands the need for economic growth through tourism and business recruitment and retention. Plinski’s a political outsider, quick study, and brings exceptional conflict-resolution skills to the table. Michael Delavar in Position 4 has a strong focus on protecting the taxpayers. Delavar’s differing points of view brings balance to any issue facing the city. Jennifer McDaniel in Position 5 is knowledgeable, considerate and focused; the steady hand our council needs. Connie Jo Freeman in Position 7 is a woman of action in regards to government spending and public safety. Freeman will put Washougal’s interests first.
Jon Russell
And now, he's lying about those he supports. So MANY lies packed into so few words.

So, he recommends Plinski.

This is the same Plinski that's blown off every election since she arrived in Washougal except for two general elections.  She hadn't even ATTENDED a COUNCIL MEETING, EVER, until September 19.

That means she has been completely unengaged politically... until Russell talked her into running.

And this pap:
understands the need for economic growth through tourism and business recruitment and retention. Plinski’s a political outsider, quick study, and brings exceptional conflict-resolution skills to the table.
According to who, besides a liar like Russell who would sell his own mother to get elected?  Precisely WHAT demonstrates ANY of this?  The fact that the woman sells make up?

What a complete, and utter lying moron.
Michael Delavar in Position 4 has a strong focus on protecting the taxpayers. Delavar’s differing points of view brings balance to any issue facing the city.
"Differing points of view" are Russell-speak for "because he agrees with me" his views "bring balance" (what the hell does THAT mean?)

And THIS beaut:
Connie Jo Freeman in Position 7 is a woman of action in regards to government spending and public safety. Freeman will put Washougal’s interests first.
Freeman is a school bus driver with a fake degree... the fake degree part being part and parcel of Russell's OWN politics.

Russell wants to become the defacto mayor by packing the council with his lackeys.  Unfortunately for those he;'s endorsed, his endorsement is likely the end of their political careers.

Russell is radioactive. And anyone getting his endorsement should run in the opposite direction as fast as possible.

Cross posted at Jon Russell Watch.

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