Sunday, October 23, 2011

Another reason to boycott the NFL: NFL Star Fined For Calling Wife Mid-Game to Say He Was Okay

Regular readers know I've been avoiding the NFL games (as much as possible) because of their corporate bigotry.

Well, added to the impetus of bigotry, comes the bizarre idea that Pittsburgh safety Troy Polamalu should be fined $10,000 for calling his wife from the sidelines during a game to reassure her that he was all right after being removed from a game for a suspected concussion.

The NFL's non-reasoning is just another hint that they don't have a clue when it comes to public perception and reality.

Did Troy break the rules?

Sure did.

Could the NFL have taken a clue from the clue-bin and figured out that instead of tuning this into chicken poop, they could have turned it into chicken salad?

Sure could.

But they didn't.  And this is just another reason, for me, to change the channels.

And to the Powerblock show "Muscle Car," that I watched instead of the pre-game shows, thanks for showing that freshening a posi rear end isn't that much of a mystery after all.

And screw the NFL.

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