Sunday, September 11, 2011

Yes, it's 9/11. Again.

I'm sitting here, gazing up at our flag in my office.

It's the same flag I had in an office 10 years ago today.  Like our country, it's bruised, a little torn, somewhat tattered and just a might faded.

I fear for my county now at least as much as I did a decade ago.  We've seemed to learn nothing.

We are more divided.  We are buried in debt.  We've burned through money that generations will have to pay for.  We're weaker... much weaker in the eyes of the world.  Those who leads us do so without a workable vision.  Our government is infested with tens of thousands who fail in their primary duty... to put this country ahead of themselves.

We don't let this attack and the subsequent war interfere with either our business or our pleasure.  We've wasted the blood and psyche's of countless thousands of the finest America has to offer.  We've sold out to those who would do us harm in the name of political expediency.

Just for one example, we know that Iran has been instrumental in killing our troops.  We know that Iran is developing nukes.  We have a good idea what they intend to do with them.  And what have we done about it?  And if not us, who?

As I stated... we've learned nothing.

We're in a war.  The social engineers and leftists controlling the budgets are bent on "remaking" the military into an increasingly irrelevant component, enabling those who respect us the least to do us the most harm.

I'd rehash the damage the president has done, but why bother?  Everyone already knows what a joke both our foreign and domestic policy has become.

We're sitting here, fat dumb and happy.  And I fear that soon, we're going to undergo an attack that will make 9/11 look like a fender bender.

And we fight each other, we bankrupt the country for political payoffs, and those who are supposed to know better ignore the great, unwashed masses because at EVERY level, they see their arrogant agenda as far superior to what the people want.

The local rag confuses ignoring the will of the people with "leadership," as t5he left frequently does.

How much longer will it be.... before we have a 9/11 sale after the Labor Day sales... and the Memorial Day sales... And the Veteran's Day sales?

Not long.

Clearly, we've learned nothing.

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