Thursday, September 22, 2011

Well, it's been 6 months now and thanks to Brancaccio and Chopp, Jacks looks like he's getting away with it.

This blog broke the story that former Rep. Jim Jacks (Boozer-49) quit in the middle of the last legislative session as a result of misconduct he engaged in related to his alcoholism.

The local paper, which I refer to as the democratian for reasons such as this one, did absolutely nothing to discover the nature of this misconduct, which involved female staffers working for the Legislature both in the democrat caucus and from the Office of Program Research.

The only thing I didn't do is provide the names.

The rag's excuse was there wasn't a "paper trail." and, therefore, they were helpless.

Brancaccio did a powder puff interview with Jacks which accomplished absolutely nothing concerning either the true reasons for Jacks' departure or the names of his victims.  he had the opportunity to specifically ask Jacks... and refused to ask the questions that should have been asked.

In short, because Jacks is a democrat, they did everything they could to cover for him.

At some point, I look forward to reporting even more detail since the rag obviously won't.  Having been on the receiving end of Brancaccio's ire, not to mention his blinding bias, I can assure you that the lack of a "paper trail" is something he turns on and off like a switch.

So, up went the counter.  And there it will stay until or unless they do the story that needs to be told... unlikely, given that they typically write like Chopp is sending them checks

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