Thursday, September 01, 2011

Update: Tim "The Liar" Leavitt joins in with the spin on why he lied about holding Town Hall Meetings; it really is because he doesn't like what was said.

It's a shame that Vancouver elected a lying slimeball for mayor.

The democratian has, well, kind of busted him for this particular campaign lie, one of many. They've certainly forgiven him for his entire campaign of lies that he used to get elected, because, well, it's OK to lie when the end result matches up with the rag's agenda.

Here, The Liar uses someone else's comment to attempt to excuse this campaign lie.

He fails.

  • Timothy D Leavitt · Top Commenter · Vancouver, Washington
    Hit the nail on the head, John. Instead of four town halls per year, we now have TWO (2) town hall forums each MONTH, where citizens of Vancouver (actually, anybody....and we have regulars that come from Portland and from outside of the City limits) can come to speak to us on ANY matter they'd like. There is no limitation on content; no invitation only; no set agenda....just open testimony and conversation, when I and the Council have some new information to add to the dialogue. We may yet get back "on the road" with our town halls, with a forum that is more conducive to allowing all a comfortable environment to speak with the City Council. That is what was missing in the last two town halls of 2010 -- a comfortable atmosphere -- due to the rancor and disrespect of others demonstrated by a handful of individuals. For that, I take responsibility. We will do better with traveling town halls.
My response was a bit more succinct:

Kage McClued · Owner/Writer at Clark County Politics Blog
Tim, you lied. No amount of spin changes that. You've lied repeatedly, I've called you on it repeatedly, and I will continue to do so.

That you don't like what your constituents have to say excuses nothing. Once again... you lied. Period.
There are no excuses, no spin, no anything that makes these lies acceptable. That The Liar won't like what people have to say to him is no reason to fail to uphold a campaign pledge.

Promising to oppose tolls means just that. Promising to hold quarterly town hall meetings means just that.

That Leavitt is such a cowardly dog and so dismissive of his constituency when he doesn't like what they have to say is much more a reflection on him then it is a reflection on them.

And that's why The Liar is also One-Term Tim.

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