Thursday, September 15, 2011

Time to arrest and imprison the Tacoma teachers.

I appreciate this opportunity to make this the test case that will finally put an end to this criminal behavior.

The Tacoma teachers, who are striking in violation of a judge's order, should be arrested and sentenced to prison for their crime.

Public employees generally and teachers specifically have no right to strike.

Those running the union should be arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to prison, "pour l'encouragement des autres"

I have had it with these prima donnas, who fail to understand who they work for and how bad our economy is, all the while stiffing us with a product which, academically, is one of the worst the industrialized world knows today.

Their union know they're wrong; they know what they're doing is illegal, and it's clear that they only care about themselves at the expense of the children.

But then, what else is new?

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