Sunday, September 11, 2011

Reason Number 712 to despise Ridgefield Barbie: using 9/11 for the greater glory of Jaime Herrera.

Any regular reader of this blog is well aware of the low esteem I have for our erstwhile Camas Manikin.

Her cowardice is only exceeded by her cluelessness.  Locally, she has developed the tinnest ear in all of politics... in fact, her tin ears are, I believe, second only to those of the Moron-in-Chief.

But today brought out an especially slimy effort by Babs, second only to her bizarre characterization of her 11 year absence as a result of her multiple internships, her tenure as a student at the UW, and her job as one of Cathy McMorris Roger's gofers from this area before she scammed an appointment to the state House through my brother-in-law... to our ever-lasting shame... as being the "same thing as serving in the military."

Having worn my Nation's uniform, one way or the other, for over 14 years, I can tell you... as I directly told her.... that it ain't.

So, imagine my surprise when I received this plate of tripe from the local GOP:
A Message From Our Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler


We all remember ten years ago on September 11; where we were, and what we were doing when we learned of the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon.

We all felt fear and confusion at the images of horror we saw on the news. But this is America. What makes this country great is the courage and bravery that emerges during our darkest times.

A few months after 9/11, I was working with a small group of volunteers in a Red Cross shelter next to Ground Zero in New York. We were filling a simple role -- serving eggs and providing blankets to those conducting the cleanup. It was a round the clock task and when the police, firefighters and construction workers needed to come in from the freezing weather, some would come in and attempt to rest. The scene was grave. Rubble that had been a pile was slowly turning into a pit as more was removed and cleaned up each day. Remains of victims were still being unearthed. But playing this small part in the healing process galvanized my desire to work in service to our communities. Like many Americans, my love and respect for our country and her citizens soared.

We take this ten year anniversary of the September 11 attacks to offer our heartfelt gratitude to our first responders, and the men and women of our military, who stepped forward to respond to this tragedy. And we remember those who have died for our country. May we also never forget the demonstrations of bravery or the spirit of service that resulted from 9/11.


Jaime Herrera Beutler

Washington, DC Office
1130 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3536
Fax: (202) 225-3478

O.O. Howard House (Officers' Row)
750 Anderson Street, Suite B
Vancouver, WA 98661
Phone: (360) 695-6292
Fax: (360) 695-6197
It takes a special kind of scum to blow up her own non-role in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks for political gain.

There's something psychotic about someone who would send out such a message on this day... a message highlighting her own alleged role... in the face of the death, destruction and pain that she was no where around when it happened.

All-in-all, it's pretty despicable.

But then, so is she.

Crossposted at Jaime Herrera Watch.

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