Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Political cowards: Smith, Ogle and Hansen.

It's truly twisted reasoning that enables a candidate for office to refuse an interview... that can be viewed by anyone... because they fear the source of the interview request.

Unfortunately, that's precisely what 3 candidates for Vancouver city council; Larry Smith, Bart Hansen, and McEnerny-Ogle decided to do.

Political cowardice isn't the hallmark of leadership.

Of course, Smith and Hansen don't want to talk to anyone who would question their slavish devotion to screwing the people of Clark County so they could waste a $10 BILLION dollar bill on an utterly unjustifiable rip off of the 65,000 commuters in this community who will, over their working lives, get shafted with paying tens of thousands of dollars... each... for tolls on a project we don't want, need or can afford.

Ogle cemented her position as a pro-toller and as a coward who lacks the guts and integrity to face those who disagree with her point of view, as did Smith and Hansen.  Making that decision because of who the source of the interview request might be shows the type of "elite" politics that I find particularly sickening.

As I pointed out with Ridgefield Barbie: the failure of politicians to have the guts needed to confront those who disagree with them is a failure of courage and of integrity.

To lamely hide out behind the bizarre idea that because Madore, who I disagree with on politics but not most positions, is the height of political cowardice... for which there is no excuse, including the nonsense these Three Stooges displayed on this subject.

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