Monday, September 26, 2011

More lies from Tim "The Liar" Leavitt.

I've seen some political liars in my time, And Tim "The Liar" Leavitt is at the top of the list.

We all know the story about how this slimeball got elected; lying repeatedly, over and over and over about his position on tolling the bridge only to flip practically the second he got elected to now becoming one of the most rabid supporters of the practice... which will burden 65,000 commuters with a $1300 or so per year fee... to start... they must pay just to go to work in Oregon.

And now.... this:  Allegations of campaign finance... contributions... buying favors from the Vancouver City Government, including THIS whopper:
Just the month before, Stephanie Turlay, who is married to current city council candidate Bill Turlay, stood at the podium in City Hall, lambasting city council members, particularly Mayor Tim Leavitt, for failing to ban personal fireworks use. Leavitt, she noted, took $5,000 in his 2009 mayoral race from Dominic and Angela Rinck, owners of the Bomber Brothers fireworks stands.
In each case, residents said that the money officials got in their election bids was now influencing their policy decisions.
Candidates and elected officials, however, beg to differ.
“I have not had a conversation with Dominic Rinck since the election,” Leavitt said. “When Dominic calls, if he calls, I’ll answer his call just like anyone else.”
Why should he need to call Leavitt?

That Leavitt's an almost pathological liar doesn't mean he's a total idiot.

The 5 large was the only conversation this guy NEEDED to have with Leavitt, and dutifully, he's gotten his money's worth.

But the idea that such a huge contribution makes no difference in Leavitt's "for hire" thought process is almost as big a joke as he is.  The unions spent over $30,000 on him, so they outright own him.  But to suggest that $5,000 doesn't make any difference in Leavitt's thinking is o suggest that he's honorable... a comparison that just doesn't pass the straight-faced test.

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