Saturday, September 24, 2011

More idiocy and lies from Tim "The Liar" Leavitt.

It is to our misfortune that Vancouver voters were taken in by such a lying sleazebag.  And the story in yesterday's Oregonian helps to illustrate what a truly lowlife scumbag he is:
He says his mission is to bring the issue to a vote in Clark County. "Let the people vote and decide," he said. "I think it's outrageous we're not allowed to vote on such an expensive project."

To which Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt asks: Who exactly should vote?
Can any one man be so disingenuously stupid?  Is it remotely possible?

Here's one group who should vote: the commuters this slimeball wants to hit in the head with $1300 per year in tolls.

Those 65,000 people and their wives/husbands Moms and Dads.  THEY should vote.

Leavitt, who became mayor on a campaign of lies, a web of deception, dishonor and the very worst in politics, asks that moronic question repeatedly, a if he doesn't know the answer.
"It's an interstate highway project that benefits the entire West Coast. Who votes? The residents of Washington, Oregon and California, or Canada and Mexico, because their trade partners benefit?" Leavitt said.
 Such idiocy from an adult not locked up in a state mental hospital, let alone, elected to something.

"Who votes?"

Leavitt said a de facto vote on light rail already has been done. "The candidates who are supportive of the project continue to get re-elected," Leavitt said.
 Just another of the whopper lies this slimeball keeps telling:

Tom Mielke was "elected."  And what did he run on?

Tim "The Liar" Leavitt was "elected."  What was his platform again?

Steve "The Liar" Stuart was "elected."  What did he promise to get that done?
And what are chances "The Liar" will ever be elected to anything around here, ever again?

Authority to legislate is delegated.  But that delegation does not require the suspension of either disbelief or the ultimate authority of the people who DO vote.

Bridgers/looter slime like Leavitt do not want a vote.  They don't want a vote because they know what the outcome of such a vote would be.
Leavitt said it's impossible to throw a blanket over all light-rail foes. He has a good relationship with some.

And others? In nearly nine years in public office, first as a city councilman and now as Vancouver mayor, Leavitt says some light-rail opponents "have been the most aggressive and some the most disrespectful and underhanded in what I have experienced during my political tenure."

Leavitt believes light rail is beneficial to Clark County, because it ties into a multibillion-dollar investment already in place in the Portland area. Leavitt also believes the more people who take advantage of light rail, the more room it leaves on roadways for the transportation of goods.

Because of his light-rail stance, Leavitt is a lightning rod for light-rail opponents. "I think he is a wishful thinker, and he doesn't want to face reality," Madore said.
It's unfortunate the article doesn't revisit Leavitt's campaign of lies and deceit... which is, of course, the actual basis for "... the most aggressive and some the most disrespectful and underhanded[sic]" attitudes expressed towards Mayor Slimeball.

Let's remember:  Had Leavitt kept his word about his opposition to tolls.... had he not started a legal process of censorship of his opponents.... had he kept his campaign promise of quarterly town hall meetings... then he wouldn't be vilified and upheld as a textbook example of everything wrong in politics today.

But those are the choices HE made.  And if the whiny little bitch doesn't like the response to his lies, he can always resign, since he damned sure is going to BE resigned in his next election.

Is it any wonder many people are disgusted by the government we have?

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