Friday, September 30, 2011

Congrats to the Obama Administration, the CIA and the military for whacking al-alwaki.

This is one of those times to put partisanship aside and give credit where due.

Right wing nut jobs and Paulistinains are engaging in their typically moronic whaling, gnashing of teeth and beating themselves with chains.

This scumbag "was an American citizen!" 

"He's entitled to Constitutional protections!"

"It was an assassination!"


This scuzbucket was an enemy combatant.  The accident of his birth inside our borders, as shaming an event as that was, provides neither him, nor any other slimeball born here any protections the moment THEY make the decision to meet the legal definition of an "enemy combatant."

This moron got blown to pieces because he was doing everything he could to destroy the country of his birth.

No one made him do that.

His death was fore-destined the moment he turned against us. I will sleep just a bit sounder tonight knowing this asswipe is assuming desert temperature as he in-processes into hell.

And for you whack jobs who believe this to be wrong...

Well, it's pretty clear you don't know what the hell is going on out there. 

Remember, the Constitution was never intended to be a death warrant.

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