Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Boldt's hearing it: "has doubts on tax." Baseball slime horrified at striking out.

I have made my position clear on this: if Marc Boldt votes to screw us... again... I will do all I can to defeat him... no matter who his opponent may be.

Clearly, I am not the only one.

Ginger Metcalf, charter member of the Downtown Mafia and former chief cook and bottle washer of Identity Vancouver has her panties in a bunch over the fact that Boldt may actually care more about what his constituency wants than those, like Metcalf, who view their arrogant judgment to be superior of that of the unwashed masses... and the fact that she, along with the rest of the pro-ballpark slime want US to pay for THEIR facility... while THEY make money off it... is just another symptom of the disease infesting our community that does so much damage to the families who live here.

Anyway, that's what got it started,  This article goes into the rest of it... the sell outs like Mike Bomar, who doesn't give a damn about screwing us, and the CREDC scammers who see this crock as the economic savior of the northwestern United States.... or some such nonsense.

As of this writing, I don't know if Marc will vote "no" or not on this crap pile.  But what I do know is this: if he values continuing on in office as a county commissioner...

... he'd better.
Boldt has doubts on tax; Bears supporters express frustration

Baseball proposal’s fans say city, county should back plan to create jobs

More like this

Clark County Commissioner Marc Boldt, who will be the swing vote next week on a proposed countywide admissions tax, said Tuesday he might not support the tax.

Boldt has concerns how the 5 percent admissions tax would impact the Clark County Fair, and wants to hear more information from Justin Kobluk, executive director of the Fairgrounds Site Management Group.

Kobluk earlier wrote in a report that an admissions tax could end up hurting the county if it drives down fair ticket sales. Plus, a tax on concerts at the privately owned Sleep Country Amphitheater could hurt a venue that has fallen so short of estimated revenues that county commissioners have cut lease payments.

Under the proposal put forth by Commissioner Steve Stuart, the county’s fair fund would receive the tax revenues for the first five years, but Boldt said Tuesday if he’s convinced the tax will drive down fair attendance, he won’t support it.

Debate heats up

The public hearing will be 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Clark County Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin St.

The tax would add 5 percent to the cost of admission to: movie theaters, the Sleep Country Amphitheater, the Clark County Fair and a proposed stadium at Clark College.
Tax revenues are hoped to fund 40 percent of the proposed $22.7 million stadium.

The county has been working to bring the Class A Yakima Bears to Vancouver.

Commissioner Tom Mielke opposes the tax, so Stuart needs Boldt’s support.

While Boldt expressed doubts about the tax Tuesday, debate over the proposal has been heating up over email.

At the end of the day, the whining and gnashing of teeth of the slimeballs who want to stiff the people of this county with the cost of their playpen while forcing us to enrich their "friends," have provided no reason or justification that would either pass the straight face test OR a vote at the polls.

I know it, Marc knows it, the Downtown Mafia knows it and so do those whining and sniveling the loudest in the Columbian article.

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