Friday, August 05, 2011

The thrill of paying for the ballpark scam by going to the Clark County Fair: you'll be paying more in ballpark taxes then THOSE ACTUALLY ATTENDING THE GAMES.

The Yakima Millionaires baseball team is attempting to pull a scam that if you or I did it, would result in our arrest and imprisonment.

Aided and abetted by two of the major slimeballs behind the horrific CRC scam wasting billions of our dollars, Tim "The Liar" Leavitt and Steve "The Liar" Stuart and in conspiracy for several months now, these slimeballs are coming here expecting to pay 30 cents on the dollar while charging every living Clark County resident, including the hundreds of thousands of us who will never set foot in their crap pile and admissions tax to build it. 

Those involved in the fair are terrified about the impacts of increasing costs on THEIR venue, which ISN'T a private business subsidized by tax dollars without asking, vis the issue of the number of people going through the gate... already off since they jacked the admission price up to $10.

As it is, there's precious little in the Fair cheaper or the same price it was last year.  The cost of everything has gone up, and now, certain community slime want us to pay even MORE in a COMPLETELY UNRELATED ACTIVITY AND VENUE, as a scam to get the Yakima Millionaires here while providing a FREE ballpark facility to them.... and all WITHOUT ASKING US.

All this while the City of Milwauke is pursuing the same goal... without charging THEIR citizens any tax for the privilege, and without holding every citizen of Clackamas County hostage to their terrorism... unlike here in Clark County where the baseball scammers, both inside and outside our government are doing precisely that.

So, there you have it.  If the scammers are successful, those paying to get into the Fair will pay twice as much in an admission fee then THOSE ACTUALLY GOING TO THE FRICKING GAMES.


  1. Well, there should be enough time to get something like this passed:

    Florida Statute 288.1166

    Any professional sports facility constructed with financial assistance from the state of Florida shall be designated as a shelter site for the homeless in accordance with the criteria of locally existing homeless shelter programs, except when the facility is otherwise contractually obligated for a specific event or activity. Should a local program not be in existence in the facility’s area, such program shall be established in accordance with normally accepted criteria as defined by the county or its designee.

  2. Faaaascinating.

    I'll be sure to pass it along.

  3. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Max & Kelly,

    May there be a reason for that florida statute of how many natural disasters that they go through, most notably hurricanes? I would think that may be the reason for the thrust of that law?

    Though it sure is interesting of an idea. Can we house homeless in the Rose Garden and PGE Park? Delta Park Ball fields.... So many different places in Portland to choose from.


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