Thursday, August 04, 2011

There are lies, damned lies, and our local abortion of a newspaper: In Our View, A Tougher Max.

This particular waste of ink and ASCII is one of their more egregious sets of lies.

See, this is why it's so easy to despise the slime running this rag.

"It’s also good for Clark County, because an extension of the MAX Yellow Line into our community is part of the Columbia River Crossing plan, affirmed in 2008 when the Locally Preferred Alternative was approved."
"Approved?" "Approved" by who?" WE didn't "approve" it. The downtown mafia/identity Vancouver types WHO WILL NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR THIS CRAP PILE "approved" it.

The people do not want this. Our own politicians (Tim "The Liar" Leavitt and Steve "The Liar" Stuart, who lied about these issues to get elected come to mind.) have to lie about it, and NONE of them have the courage to require, or stand by, a vote of the people.

I'd rather this area be run by organized crime. At least they're typically honest about ripping us off.

Meanwhile, the carbuncle of our community continues to shill for a system we do not want, for a horrific cost of $10 billion THAT THEY WON'T HAVE TO PAY.

There is no group, including government, who spends our money with the ease of the sculls at the local version of Völkischer Beobachter, the Nazi Party newspaper from back in the day.

See, they didn't care what the people wanted, either.  And how did that turn out?

Bankruptcy can't come fast enough.

1 comment:

  1. The only one it is "good for" is Portland's financially plagues TriMet. Once here, they take more of Clark County's money to help pay for their overspending.

    Oh, and the bridge, if it ever gets built?

    Same thing. It ill be Clark County residents primarily paying all of those two-way tolls to pay not only for the bridge, but freeway improvements south of the river in Oregon.

    And, our local Politburo readily caves to send our money to Oregon, instead of trying to keep more of it here for our community.

    No, they just find something to raise our taxes here.

    And a voice on where our money goes in Oregon?

    Not going to happen.


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