Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The slime at the democratian and their hypocrisy on taxes.

When it comes to the ballpark scam for the Yakima Millionaires baseball park, the proponents ignore every negative aspect.

The local Quislings... the Bomars, the Owens, the Stuarts, the Leavitts... they'd collectively sell their own mothers to get this thing built because, frankly, they don't give a damn who gets hurt or how much as long as it supports THEIR arrogant, superior view... not to mention their disdain for anything approaching the will of the people on this issue... to the extent the many negatives far out weigh any positive, no matter how many nonsensical "studies" the Millionaires pay for that paint this rip off as THE greatest financial deal the northwestern United States has ever SEEN.

We know that those yelling the most for this and who will stand to gain the most from this rip off are opposing the idea of volunteering to be taxed to pay for it; no, they leave that particular "pleasure" to the hundreds of thousands of us who will never set foot in their crap pile... and who will not be asked.

No offer to pay anything approaching a reasonable amount in taxes to pay for this by those actually GOING to any of these balls games; anyone attending any concert at the Amphitheater, for example, will pay more then ANYONE attending ANY game at the ballpark for the privilege, as would most even paying for a fair ticket.

No offer from the head cheerleader; the democratian, to pay any tax, notwithstanding the fact they will make bank off their increased ad revenue... even though, next to the Millionaires themselves, they stand to make the most money.  No, they just keep on in their lying campaign to bend us over.

When liars are writing out of a sense of enlightened self-interest, as this despicable rag usually does, since they stand to make a great deal of money of the ballpark they flip-flopped on.... all without volunteering to pay any tax such as the one they demand of us... of course their nonsensical self-serving, unethical and immoral... not to mention, flat out wrong, interpretation would be bent to meet their position.

The idiocy of funding a ballpark for the Yakima Millionaires when other critical government services go begging is as connected as Siamese twins. The lie that it's "largely a county proposal," for example, when Tim "The Liar' Leavitt has been one of the leading proponents of this massive waste of money is a deflection that twists the facts.

This is why I, for one, am disappointed the local version of Pravda Izvestia did not burn to the ground. This editorial reeks with self-serving hypocrisy... and no amount of lipstick from the "hope you don't mind but we want to screw you to make us money" democratian can change this pig from being a pig.

Disgust... and contempt. 

Until those shilling this manure pile the most offer to pay for it... without ripping us off and without asking us.... then it needs to be resisted in every legal way.

And did I mention how worthless, how damaging... how cancerous the local daily toilet paper is?

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