Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Obama's hypocrisy on Syria continuuuuuuues.

You've got to wonder at the rank Cowardice of our Empty Suit in Chief.

Seems to me that the situation in Syria has easily exceeded that of the situation in Libya; a situation that, had the president not undergone an early courage vasectomy, would have been solved months... and hundreds of millions of dollars ago.

When you and your administration are based on situational ethics and an institutional double standard, this is the outcome you know we're going to get.

The clown running Syria is slaughtering his own people.  And what is the US doing about it?


The clown running Libya isn't doing anything different, and his opposition can at least fire something, no matter how small, back.

No... in Syria, if you cry "freedom!" you're going to be slaughtered like sheep.

And Obama won't do a damned thing about it.

That is not to say that he should, either, which the reader might find just a bit confusing at this point.

We should never have gotten involved in Libya, period.  But if we ARE going to utilize an interventionist foreign policy, the CRITERIA for such an absurd philosophy should apply EVERYWHERE.

What we have now is a "lottery" foreign policy.  In country "A," you can rape, kill, pillage and burn, and we'll do something about it, no matter how stupid, incompetent or inane.

In county "B," in the same region, you can do the precise same thing, and we'll give.... speeches.

It just makes me all warm and fuzzy that our country is lead by such clueless idiots.

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