Sunday, August 07, 2011

More stupidity by Laird and another puff piece on the Yakima Millionaires.

We're used to lies, exaggerations and insults from the democratian's pit yorkie, John Laird.  But this nonsensical babble takes the cake.

So, a charter member of the downtown mafia/identity Vancouver mob wants to screw all of us with a tax so THEY can watch baseball.  For some reason, the simpering idiot otherwise known as Laird found that to, somehow, be newsworthy.

Naturally enough, the morons writing this and running this paper are ignoring the real issue: how is it that the CITY of Milwaukie can build one of these things WITHOUT raising or imposing any taxes while YOU people can't?

Of COURSE everyone like Laird and Pollard and those who'll make millions off this rip off and this newspaper which will make bank off of advertising and those making cash off the concessions, including the unindicted co-conspirators of Clark College who have enough money ON HAND to pay for THREE of these ballparks if they need one so bad, want US to pay for it, "can live with it."  But none of THEM will have to PAY for it, save the 5% scam on a ballpark ticket, to actually use it.

If Pollard or Laird decided to buy me a new car, I could live with it.  Who couldn't?  However, if I TOOK the money AWAY from them WITHOUT ASKING to buy my new car, I'd be put in prison, because, well, the word for THAT is "theft," and our laws, allegedly, frown on that.

These two, and all the others involved in this scam, want to steal OUR money.  They want to take OUR money AWAY from us to benefit a private COMPANY with a deal NO ONE ELSE GETS.

And that, too, is theft.

I have yet to hear of ANYONE who will make money off this crap pile or who otherwise supports it volunteering to help pay for it. Why is that? Of course, that this enriches those at our expense without even asking us makes it both immoral AND unethical. But neither of those constructs concern you, right, Laird?

YOU clowns AIN'T PAYING FOR IT. And as both you and Pollard have shown, your ability to spend OTHER peoples money has no end, while your ability to spend YOUR OWN MONEY has no beginning.

And, of course, the idea that YOUR nostalgia equates to ANY reason to tax the entirety of this county for YOUR hobby is as absurd as your Pollard Hilton stance and the your support of the rape by the CRC.

YOU idiots want this?

Then YOU idiots pay for it, and leave us alone.

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