Thursday, August 25, 2011

Another strike out on the baseball scam.

We already know that Steve "The Liar" Stuart doesn't give a damn about our money; he spends it, not only like a drunken sailor, but like a drunken fleet.

I get that such an application could be pasted to anyone scamming us on the CRC.  But the fact is this: for a man bent on raping us for billions, $20 million, more or less, is like a tip for lunch in comparison.

The problem the ballpark has it the owners are demanding that we, the taxpayers, gratefully bend over for their barely above amateur baseball team by spending 17 million or so for the baseball equivalent of putt-putt golf.

The initial proposal of the Yakima Millionaires, a 30/70 split, was a non-starter.  That those shilling this tertiary syphilis in the guise of a "must have" ballpark didn't care that this would screw 400,000 people in Clark County as they put THEIR hands in OUR pockets to build THEIR ballpark.

That deal is over... because apparently, Stuart wasn't thrilled about looking out the 6th floor of their puzzle palace and seeing the people of this county massed below with pitch forks and torches, hanging him in effigy... presuming he's sober enough to see them.

Instead, he's performing the government equivalent of CPR on that dead horse, and bribing the communities that would get stuck with the tab by advocating that application of this ballpark tax begin immediately, but allowing the "jurisdictions" to KEEP what they steal for the first 5 whole years... if they promise to turn over the rest to the thieves from Yakima for the next 20 after the 5.

Boldt, who seems to find himself incapable of saying "no" to fellow democrat Stuart, is going along with this garbage... practically guaranteeing a challenge from his right since he's forgotten what the label "Republican" is SUPPOSED to mean.

Effectively, Stuart is attempting to bribe the revenue hungry "jurisdictions" by providing them with a few pieces of silver up front, so they can get the rest of the 30 pieces they need later... because "later" means some nebulous date down the road... "out of sight, out of mind" and all that rot.

Bob Knight lied yesterday when he told the world that all the $60 million they're sitting on... and no part thereof and no FUTURE increase in that number can't be applied to the ballpark.  There is a HUGE difference between "can't" and "won't."  And this is a "won't."  The simple solution is to look at Bob and say "Bob, if you won't, we won't either.  C'ya, and tell the Yakima Millionaires they can take their ballpark scam down the road to Milwauke."

The underlying problem remains unchanged.  Scum like Stuart want to use our money so he can catch a ballgame every now and then while he continues to tax the people of this community while ignoring those who should be taxed.  He continues to demand that those who actually GO to one of these putt-putt ball games pay next to nothing, while the money to pay for this crime be extorted in larger amounts from the hundreds of thousands of us who'll never set foot in their steaming pile. 

No tax on those making money off of us.  No tax on the newspaper.  No tax on the concessionaires.  No tax on the owners.   No REAL tax on those buying tickets.... just on those of us living our lives perfectly well  without getting screwed by Stuart and the rest.

Nothing he spewed yesterday changes any of that.  This proposal, like the first extortion note, should be rejected out of hand and these slimeballs should be shown the door... permanently.

If Stuart and Bomar and the rest of the slime shilling this want it, then they should pay for it.  This crock pile that claims, on a bought and paid for study by the baseball team , to actually bring in over $200 million over 10 years (An obvious and outright lie; if that were true Yakima would be falling all over themselves to keep these people instead of yawning with jaw-breaking boredom at the thought) should have no difficulty acquiring completely private financing to build; and those who stand to profit off this turd should be the one's stuck with the bill.

You've just struck out again, Stuart.  And if Boldt keeps stringing you along, come November of 2012, he'll be striking out as well.

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