Wednesday, July 20, 2011

When an empty headed, MSNBC pretty face walks into a political fan.

I make no bones about it; default at some point is inevitable, and that point might as well be now.

The leftists and the RINOs are selling us all a chicken-little scenario.  Our choices are that we dramatically cut spending now, immediately, instead of some bogus, pie-in-the-sky, down-the-road nonsense where the promises of cuts will be treated the same as the Empty Suit's lies about the porkulous keeping unemployment below 8%.. and how's that worked out for us?

I am totally opposed to lifting the ceiling, which is a nonsensical, moronic construct that only serves for purposes of debating points anyway, and has no real purpose since we've ignored it whenever the mood strikes.

These slimeballs running around, threatening the elderly to scare them into compliance are doing just that.  We need to cut so that next year, we've reduced spending to 2008 levels.

We need to devote ourselves to paying off the debt, and the morons in Congress and the White House need to devote THEMSELVES to cutting.

Well, I'm not the only one that feels that way.  But the uber-fringe left morons in the lamestream media wet their panties at the thought of doing what must be done.

One of the worst examples is a particularly empty-suited idiot named Contessa Brewer of all things.

And here, she chooses to walk directly into a huge political fan... a fan of her own making.

MSNBC's Brewer, you may remember just yesterday said the attack on Rupert Murdoch at a hearing encapsulated what the British were feeling.

This is the kind of thing arrogant leftists try to shove down our throats.

Approrpiately, Brewer has a BS degree. Because few sling the BS like she does... and this time, it bit her in her surgically altered nose.


  1. This country couldn't reduce the deficit during the BEST of times with a much smaller amount - it certainly can't do it now or ANYTIME in the future. Yes, collapse is inevitable but there won't be a default - there will be inflation.

    The problem is not ideological - it is systemic: "Free" Trade.

    As for a going into a depression - it depends what you call shortages, rationing, and massive unemployment? There would have been a "depression" in 2008 and there surely will be one in the foreseeable future.

  2. Back in the days of I-695 ($30 car tab), a talk show host who went on to become the GOP governor candidate, in talking about the options surrounding the upcoming vote on that initiative, remarked that then Gov. Locke had the choice between "landing the plan with the wheels up, or flying it directly into the ground" when he refused to have a special session to craft an alternative I-695 to put on the ballot.

    History has shown that Locke's choice, to fly the plane into the ground instead of presenting an alternative, was the wrong one.

    And that's what we're confronted with now.

    During the halcyon days of the Soviet Union, unemployment was also unheard of. And the government ran the country like the White House has run GM, with the same, inevitable, terrible outcomes.

    In fact, we did reduce the deficit AND balance the budget in the mid to late 90’s. Continuing to do what we’re doing however, will inevitably lead to the Greece/Portugal/Ireland/Italy scenario.

    As for your vision, with continued out of control spending and pay offs, that scenario is inevitable.

    As we close in on the inevitable now, it’s still not too late to change course and fix the situation.

    To that end, I am all for having had the depression you’re talking about… since I believe we’re going to have one anyway. But do we control the descent, or bring it on faster by ignoring that particular 800 pound gorilla?

    It’s not that we lack the vision… it’s instead, that we lack the will. We, as a nation, refuse to do what has to be done. And raising the debt ceiling, continuing on this course of political payoffs and allowing 50% plus of our population to avoid paying ANY federal tax is not going to cut it.

    EVERYONE must pay SOMETHING. Walking away from that fundamental truth has re-enforced the “gimme” entitlement society we have now… a society

  3. The oncoming depression is still a few years away. From my perspective, people HAVE BEEN GETTING READY. They have been slowly adjusting their expectations, and preparing for the worst. Not everyone, of course, but most of the folks I personally know. Responsible people know the plane is going down. My belief is that our fiscal policy has allowed this gradual readjustment - rather than a blow-up in 2008 that would have caught everyone by surprise.


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