Friday, July 29, 2011

The upside of a default: would that kill the CRC? I'd welcome it if it would.

Locally, we're confronted with the largest waste of money the northwestern United States has ever known:  The $10 billion or more the unneeded, unwanted and unaffordable Columbia River Crossing scam will cost us.

Our rag, frequently self-delusional in their cloying nonsense when it comes to the leftists they've endorsed, show that they're willing to wear out their kneepads when it comes to fringe-leftist, rabid state-income tax supporter and former state representative Jim McIntire, who continues on with his partisan crap as state treasurer.

McIntire, who this rag endorsed over the Republican candidate endorsed by the democrat treasurer and 33 county treasurers at the time, back in their "For open seats, we're only going to endorse democrats" phase of the 08 election, thought he'd get some free publicity by sending out a letter that no one cares about.  The rag, ever doing all they can for those they "like," wrote this about the little whiner who snivels about Eyman initiatives like a donut maker punching out holes:
McIntire — one of the smartest and most trusted of our statewide elected officials — told the lawmakers that failure to resolve the debt-ceiling dilemma “will likely crush a fragile economy, irreparably harm struggling businesses and families, damage responsible state governments and undermine emerging stability among our community banks. This is a risk we cannot afford to take.”
The fact that McIntire is really not that smart, but that he is a democrat, drives this kind of pap.  But as the rag has shown, when they like you, they like you.

But what caught my eye in this Goebellesque rant of the rags was this tidbit, also from tax and spender McIntire:
McIntire credited Washington’s Legislature for taking a “hard-nosed and practical approach” to prepare for this day. Borrowing costs have been kept down for the state, but federal inaction on the debt ceiling could erase all that, and “it will not be possible to finance major construction projects or execute refundings to save taxpayer dollars … .”
McIntire is delusional at best in reference to our ever-growing state budget as his leftist colleagues look to stick it to the taxpayers as they engage in their personal jihad to redistribute the wealth of anyone making more than minimum wage.  But what nails it for me was this line: "but federal inaction on the debt ceiling could erase all that, and “it will not be possible to finance major construction projects..."

How can I not hope for immediate default?  How can we not hope that events within which we have no control over will conspire to kill the criminal waste of our money on this horrific projects?

If it takes default to kill this massive, criminal waste of money and bury it permanently, then I'm all for it.

In the words of another Republican: "Bring It On."

At some point, with these fringe leftists spending us into bankruptcy, default might as well happen now, since it's going to happen anyway.  And the first project on the chopping block?

I volunteer this massive vaporization of cash that would accomplish nothing except to bury us even deeper under the mountain of democrat debt.

Links to follow.

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