Saturday, July 23, 2011

So... why hasn't the democratian been doing their job while continuing to rabidly support this horrific rape of a bridge/loot rail project?

We're cursed with a publication that utilizes situational ethics as their watch word when it comes to reporting on projects THEY support... such as this bizarre waste of billions for a project we don't want in the form of billions wasted on a bridge and loot rail, all the way down to bending US over to pay for a ballpark THEY want by jack US with taxes that THEY won't have to pay... all so THEY will make bank off the advertising.

Today's idiocy from Brancaccio involves the fact that The Rag told us first about the problems with tolls providing enough money.

Their "in-depth" reporting consisted of a single paragraph, buried in one of their interminable cheerleading articles for this criminal waste of billions of dollars... never, apparently, to address the issue again... until the Oregonian blew the lid off it and the rag was forced to print something... again failing to print the entire story because, well, you damned sure don't want to give people like ME any MORE ammunition to prove how criminal, dishonest, and fraudulent the scum supporting this massive waste of money have actually become.

“Cortright contends that planners are probably greatly underestimating construction costs while overestimating toll revenue. (The CRC) focuses on projections that traffic will steadily increase across the new bridge, even though traffic counts actually declined across the existing bridge from 2005 to 2009

And that's it.

You would think a slimeball like Brancaccio would spend at least as much time going after that as he has going after me, instead of, once again, breaking his own shoulder patting himself on his own back for burying a paragraph like this in a story that should have been treated like the Oregonian treated it.

But when you've been bent over by, and have become one of the special interests shilling for a crap pile like this, the idea that you would do or say ANYTHING that might slow it down or, God-forbid, stop it altogether is just out of the question.  So, you sit on information like this.

Because when you want something that YOU won't have to pay for like the scuzball Brancaccio wants this bridge/loot rail project... it's easy to close your eyes to information that might make this project go away.

For example, I haven't seen anything about all this from Tim "The Liar" Leavitt or Steve "The Liar" Stuart, two of the most rabid bridger/looters.  And the downtown mafia/Identity Vancouver types sure seem quiet all of a sudden.

And the democratians own sleazeball, John Laird?

Not a peep.

But here you have it.  Brancaccio and his cold sore of a paper have continued to rabidly support screwing us EVEN THOUGH THEY KNEW THE NUMBERS DIDN'T WORK.

And this time, Lou... there WAS a paper trail.

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